chapter 29 : kartik's guilt

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" should get some sleep now. Doctor's told you to rest!"Kartik said breaking the hug.

"Yeah it is already getting late!"Naira said and they went to kartik's room.

"Tomorrow onwards I will take care of you all by myself. Your diet,your medicines,your check up's and everything!"Kartik said making her to lay down on the bed.

"How could I forget how much strict you are when it comes to medicines!"Naira joked

"Well they are important for you. All I want is for you to get better Naira. I don't care about anything else!"Kartik said

"I know I know. You are so strict when it comes to this!"Naira said

"I really am! So you better listen to me or else you know what I will do!"Kartik said

"Haa fine. I will listen to you. Now you also come sleep. You must be tired as well!"Naira said.

"Um..actually you sleep. I have some small work. I will finish it off and come!"Kartik lied as he didn't know sleeping next to her was the best idea.

"You and your work! You are becoming so addicted to your work! You should remember sleep is also important!"Naira said

"I know jaan! But just few minutes. You sleep and I will come back okay?"Kartik said and Naira nodded. He kissed on her forehead and then turned off the lights.

Kartik left the room and went downstairs. He went and sat on the sofa in the living room while Naira slept off immediately as she was so tired.

Kartik thought about how much his life has changed after he met Naira. Even after finding out she hid their son away from him he couldn't get angry at her because he knew this all happened because of him.

If he had been honest with her from the starting none of this would have happened.

"You have no clue how many times I tried to tell you the truth in the past Naira..whenever I tried to speak to you about it I couldn't get myself too...i feared that you might hate me and will leave me for what I did. I didn't want to loose you because you are my everything....!"Kartik said to himself

"If I somehow stopped you that night and made you understand the whole thing we wouldn't have missed the last five years of our lives together. I wouldn't have missed my son's first moments...!"he said

"I know what I am doing now is not correct as well but I have no other option. Because last time when I let you go you left me for five years and I won't repeat the same thing again..!"he said. After sometime Kartik too fell asleep there on the sofa.

Around 1am Naira woke up as she was thirsty. She looked at the nightstand but there was no water bottle here. Then she turned to the side to see Kartik but even he was not there.

"Where is Kartik? He said he will come back long time back so where is he now?"Naira thought. She got off the bed and went downstairs.

"Hey Bhagvan..why is he sleeping here?"Naira said when she saw him sleeping on the sofa. She went towards him and kneeled down infront of him.

"Kartik..wake up!"Naira said waking him up.

"Naira..?What happened?Are you okay?"Kartik said slowly as he woke up rubbing his eyes.

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