chapter 36 : what is kartik up to?

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It was the engagement day and the Singhania's were busy making arrangements.

Akshara was still not happy with what's going on but she didn't know how to stop this.

Naira was getting ready in her room with the help of Kirti. Just then Kairav came into the room.

"Mama you looks so pretty!"he said with a smile.

"Aww thank you baby. And you look so handsome!"Naira said making him sit in her lap.

"Mama will papa come?"Kairav asked.

"I don't know baby. If papa wants to come he will and if he doesn't want to come then we should understand!"Naira said

"But it's your ring wala party naa? Papa should come naa...!"Kairav said

"Kairav...!"Naira said and then looked at Kirti

"Kairav I think Vansh and everyone is here. Why don't you go see?"Kirti said. Kairav nodded and then left.

"Naira I know I should have talked to you about this earlier but are you sure? I mean about marrying sahil? Why are you doing this?" Kirti said

"Bhabi in the last five years I made you guys suffer so much. This is all I can do and at least this way Bhai will be happy!"Naira said

"So you agreed to marry sahil for Naksh's happiness? Did something happen between you and Naksh? Did he say something to you?"Kirti questioned

"It is nothing like that Bhabi. Bhai has nothing to do with this...this is my decision only...!"Naira said looking down.

"Naira is lying...I can see it all over her face. Naksh must have done something then...when will this Kartik Come?"Kirti thought.

"Okay fine. Let's go then!"Kirti said and Naira nodded.

When they wen downstairs Naira saw her family,kartik's family,Sahil and his family members.

Naira didn't even talk to Sahil. Naksh tried to get them to talk but Naira always made up some excuse to get out of it.

Naira's eyes only searched for one person and he was not there.

"As expected...Kartik didn't come"Naira thought

"Mama papa everything is ready? We can start the engagement in sometime!"Naksh said

"How can you all start this without me huh?"Naira turned towards the door and she saw Kartik come in. He saw Naira and walked towards her.

"I know you thought I wouldn't come. Well you're wrong. I came didn't I?"Kartik said with a smile while Naira was pretty shocked by his behavior. Kartik went towards Kaveri and rajshri to get their blessings and then went towards Kairav.

Naira stood with Gayu and Kirti while Naksh was busy with remaining arrangements.

"Hey, You are related to Naira?"Sahil asked coming towards Kartik.

"Kairav you and Vansh go and play!"Kartik said. Kairav nodded and then went with Vansh.

"You could say I am related to her. I am Naksh's wife's brother!"Kartik said

"Oh I see..!"Sahil said but stopped when Kartik spoke

"Oh and I am also the father of her son!"Kartik said with a smile

"Oh then you must be Kartik!"Sahil said

"Yep that's me. And you are..?"Kartik asked

"Sahil. Sahil Malhotra!"Sahil said

"Of course Sahil!"Kartik said and chuckled controlling his anger.

"This must seem too hard for you right? Naksh told me everything about you and Naira!"Sahil said

"And even after this you want to marry her"Kartik said

"I couldn't say no to my best friend and Naira is an amazing girl. Who wants to loose her?And mainly I am not you. I am not going to lose her!"Sahil said which got Kartik angry

"I didn't loose her. This was the decision she took!"Kartik shot

"Kartik what's going on?"Suvarna asked coming right on time. She noticed that Kartik and Sahil were getting into a argument and came immediately.

"Nothing Maa. Just talking!"Kartik replied

"Come with me...!"she said and took Kartik with her.

"Don't start fights unnecessarily!"Suvarna said

"Maa I did nothing. He was the one who messed me!"Kartik replied.

"Mama,Vansh bhaiya wants to see my childhood photo's. You have the album naa? Will you give it to me?"Kairav asked

"Sure baby. It must be in my room. I will go and bring it!"Naira said and then went upstairs to her room.

She opened the cupboard and searched the shelves to find the photo album. She heard the door get locked. She looked up and turned towards the door and saw Kartik come in.

Before she could even say anything else he came and hugged her.

"Is this the end of everything huh?"Kartik asked not letting her go. Naira hugged him back and controlled her tears.

"Kartik please go..!"Naira said

"I can't and I don't want too. But if you ask me to leave you alone then I will. Again I don't want to bother you!"Kartik said. Kartik broke the hug and looked at her.

"Kartik remember one thing whatever will happen between us in the future I will never stop you from meeting or seeing Kairav. But we can't. It's better to end this all...!"Naira said looking down

"Is this what you feel or is this what Naksh wants you to do?"Kartik asked

"Bhai has nothing to do with this Kartik...this was all my decision!"Naira said avoiding his gaze.

"I am having a very hard time believing you Naira"Kartik said

"Then don't believe me...just leave Kartik!"Naira said.

"Fine I understand now. I think I wasted so many years with you and I guess it's time to end everything. After your wedding ends I won't even show you my face!"Kartik said shocking Naira.

"This is what you want right? I will do as you want!"Kartik said and left her room leaving a shattered Naira.

After sometime the engagement ceremony began. As Sahil and Naira engaged the rings naira's gaze was only on Kartik and Kartik was looking everywhere except her.

His ignorance started to fear her and she slowly started to fear about losing him for good because of her stupidity.


Hey guys!

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!Next up will be the last chapter so stay tuned!

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