chapter 24 : naira's explanation

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Kartik was still not over the shock he has got. He was thinking he was dreaming but at the same time he realized it was not dream and it really was his Naira who was standing infront of him.

"Naira? What the hell is this huh?"he shouted in anger grabbing her wrist

"Kartik,Do not do this. Let me go!"Naira said trying to get her hand out of his grip but failed.

"Don't do what huh? How could you do this to me?"He shouted

"How could you fake your own death?You have no clue what I went through in the last five years because of YOU!"He shouted in anger while Naira remained silent with teary eyes.

"I blamed myself for your death! In these five years I kept punishing myself. I kept thinking if I stopped you that night that accident wouldn't have happened and you would have not died. You betrayed all of us! Not only me,My family and your family!"He bursted at her

"And Kairav? He's our son isn't he? You were pregnant then. That was the surprise you planned to tell me didn't you?How could do this Naira?"he said and Naira still remained silent.

"Give me the answer Naira!"he shouted. This temper feared her. She never saw him this angry ever since they met and she knew this was not a good sign.

"Fine, don't answer me then. But I am sure you will give the explanation to your family members right? Come on!"he said

"No no,Kartik please don't do this..I..!"she started but was stopped by him

"You what huh? You can't face them? For lying and betraying them for five years?"he said

"That's it. Tonight everything will come into the light and whatever you need to say you will say infront of everyone!"he firmly said and pulled her inside with him. Naira tried to get out of his grip but she couldn't.

"Kartik please I beg you. Don't do this. Please let me go!"she cried but he didn't listen.

"No Naira. You are a big girl naa? You know how to take amazing decisions right? You took a great decision and all I am saying is for you to give explanation infront of everyone!"he said.

"Where did Kartik go all of the sudden?"Suvarna asked as she searched for Kartik

"He must be around here somewhere. Don't worry he will come!"Manish said. Just then the lights went off making it dark.

"Manish please ask someone to turn on the lights. Why did they go off now?"Suhasini said.

Naira who thought this was the correct chance for her to leave pulled her hand away from him tightly.

"Naira!"Kartik shouted. But Naira didn't even wait for a second. She ran towards the main door as the place where they stood had some lighting.

Just as Naira was about to leave the lights came back and even Kartik got on time and grabbed her hand again.

"Where do you think you are going huh? You got caught. Don't waste your time by running again!"he said while both the Goenka's and Singhania's looked at them confusingly.

"Suvarna, who is that girl?"Manish asked as naira's back was facing them.

"You all must be wondering who this girl is right?"Kartik asked looking at them but still holding naira's hand while Naira closed her eyes tightly.

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