chapter 16 : kartik's confession

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Flashback Continues

Naira was the first one who pulled out. She was pretty shocked and confused about what just happened between them.

Just then the door was opened and veer walked in. He noticed Kartik and Naira standing close to each other. Naira who saw veer pushed Kartik away slightly.

"Sorry I forgot the car keys. I came to get them!"he replied. Without saying anything else or even looking at Kartik Naira left.

"Damm it..what am I going to do now?"Kartik said out

"What do you mean? What happened?"veer asked

"We kissed!"Kartik said

"Huh?you what?"veer asked in shock

"I have a feeling she took this in a negative way!"Kartik said sighing

"Don't you think you are taking this matter a little too far now?"veer asked

"Veer,I love Naira! I really do and I can do anything to be with her!"Kartik said while veer sighed

Naira came home and went straight to her room ignoring everyone. She locked the door and sat on the bed.

"What just happened? Ugh Naira!! You are such an idiot. How could you just kiss him back like that huh? He was a friend. Just a friend for godsake!"Naira said to herself and just then her phone rang.

She took it out and saw kartik's name on the caller ID.

"As expected he called. But I can't deal with him or this matter right now!"Naira said switching off her phone.

"God she switched her phone off!"Kartik said and sighed

"Well who asked you to kiss her huh?"veer asked playing games on his phone.

"If you don't stop playing that game now I will throw your phone out of the window!"Kartik said and went to his room. Changing his shirt he picked up his car keys and headed out.

"Woah woah where do you think you are going?"veer asked standing up.

"Well she is not answering my calls. It is the best if I do this face to face. She can't just go on ignoring me!"Kartik said and before veer could even reply Kartik left and drove off to Singhania sadan.

After sometime he reached naira's house. He got down the car and went in fastly.

"Kartik,you? Do you need something?"akshara asked with a smile when she saw Kartik

"Aunty..woh actually I came to meet Naira. can I please go and meet her?"Kartik asked

"Beta she is not home. Ananya came few minutes back. She took Naira and went to shopping with her!"akshara said and Kartik sighed

"Aunty could you please tell me which shop they went to. I need to talk to her. It is sort of urgent!"Kartik said. Akshara nodded and then gave him the address

"Is everything okay Kartik? You seem worried!"akshara asked

"No aunty everything is fine. It's just I need to talk to Naira something related to college. That's all!"Kartik replied with a smile. Akshara nodded and then Kartik left and drove to the shopping mall.

Meanwhile Ananya and Naira were walking checking out the clothes while Naira was completely lost in her thoughts.

"So who is the guy?"Ananya asked looking at Naira noticing her.

"Kartik...!"Naira blurted out. Her eye's widened in shock when she realized what she just said

"Ooh kirti's brother huh?"Ananya teased

"Ananya di,it is nothing like that...we are just friends!"Naira said.

"Did he do something or what? Is everything okay?"she asked in concern

"Yeah di everything is okay. Let's just go buy some clothes!"Naira said and Ananya nodded.

After sometime Kartik arrived. He came inside the shop and started looking around for Naira but couldn't find her.

"Naira you should go try on this lehenga. It will look great on you!"Ananya said bringing a lehenga set for Naira.

"Thanks di!"Naira said and walked towards the trail room. Just then Kartik caught a glimpse of her. He saw her go towards the trail room. Naira didn't notice him. She went into the trail room and Kartik quickly sneaked in and locked the door.

"What?Kartik!"Naira shouted in shock when she saw him.

"Sh shh! Don't shout!"he said placing his hand on her mouth.Naira was mumbling something and Kartik realized what he was doing.

"Oh sorry. I didn't mean to do that!"he said finally taking his hand off her mouth.

"Have you lost it? What are you doing here! Get out of this room!"she said

"I am not leaving until we talk!"Kartik said

"What's there to talk huh? Just leave Kartik!"Naira said

"No Naira,you didn't answer my calls or texts. I need to talk to you here. Right now!"he said finally Naira was getting nervous. She turned around not wanting to face him.

The next thing that Kartik did was hugged her from the back. His grip around her was tight because he didn't want her to run off like she did earlier.

"Kartik!What are you doing. Just let me go!"Naira said trying to get out of his grip but failed.

"I love you!"he confessed making her to stop on her tracks. Pushing the strand of her hair asked he kissed on her cheek making Naira go red.

"I love you so much Naira. I always have and I always will...!"he confessed sincerely while Naira honestly was out of words and was having a hard time trying to find an answer for his confession.


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