chapter 3 : kairav

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Me and Kairav arrived at the church. Kairav went inside to pray while I sat outside.

Today was his first day and I'm pretty scared. I was getting tensed with the father came and sat next to me.

"What's wrong Naira?"he asked me. I looked at me and smiled a bit.

"It's kairav's first day at school father..!"I said

"You should be happy about that right my child? Then why are you worried??"he asked me with confusion.

"That is the problem Father. In these years Kairav never asked me about his father. But he will be going to school from now on...he will eventually ask me about his father. I'm worried about that"I confessed.

"Naira I don't know what went wrong between you and his father but you can't keep Kairav away from his father. Even the same for his father. He must know about Kairav..!"he said while I sighed.

"Taking Kairav to his father is something I won't do father. I never want to see his face again! What he did is something I never forget or forgive him for!"I said.

"Don't I have any solution for this father..?!"I asked him

"Don't worry my child. The God will show you a way. He always does to the Needed people. Don't worry everything will be okay. Kairav is a lovely boy.."he said with a smile.

"I just..feel like I'm making my son suffer too...!"I said and trailed off when I turned around.

I saw Kairav standing behind me who was looking at us with confusion.

"Baby..!"I said standing up. He walked towards me and held my hand.

"What are you talking about mama..?!"he asked me

"Nothing baby..I was just telling father about how today is you're first day and he was blessing you!"I lied.

"Have a happy and incredible first day Kairav! It will be amazing!! The god will always be with you! Stay blessed my child!"the father said

"Thank you..!"Kairav said and smiled cutely.


Me and Kairav walked to his school. Once we reached I picked him up and smiled.

"Today is you're first day baby!! Have a amazing day!! Once you come back home you should tell me every single detail okay?!"I asked him and he nodded

"And Kairav after school ends don't go anywhere okay? Stay right here with the security uncle and I will come. If any stranger comes other than me and Lisa don't even talk okay?"I told him and he nodded.

I made him stand again and kissed on his cheek.

"Bye mama!"he said and turned around.

"Baby?!"I called out and he turned towards me.

I kneeled infront off him.

"Don't you think you forgot something?!"I pouted.

"Uffoh mama...!"I chuckled and came to kiss on my cheek making me smile.

"Chalo now go! Bye baby!!"I said and he smiled going inside.


It was 3pm when I stood outside the school. The school was over early so mostly everyone left except some.

When Kairav saw me he came running towards me.

"Hey baby...!"I said hugging him.

I kneeled infront of him and smiled.

"How was you're first day huh?!"I asked

"It was good mama..!"he said and I hugged him.

Once we broke I took his bag. As I took his bag from him kairav's water bottle fell down.

I was picking it when I saw a couple come and pick their son.

The father of that boy picked up his son and made him sit on his shoulders.

I quickly looked at Kairav who was staring at them. It made me feel so horrible.

Soon that family left and I stood up.

"Baby lets go?!"I asked and we left.


I baked a chocolate cake to cheer Kairav up. Ever since he got home he wasn't talking well.

I knew what the reason was and I was really so guilty now.

After making the cake I placed it in the plate and went outside to the lawn.

Kaira was sitting on the steps. I put a smile on my lips and walked towards him.

"And my baby did so well on his first day so here is a cake for him!!"I said happily and sat next to him.

Kairav looked at me and remained silent.

"What's wrong baby? I made this cake for you...!"I said in fake sadness.

"Mama..where is dad?"he asked making me started. I looked at him in shock.

"Baby...!"I said in shock. I turned around to wipe my tears away and looked back at him.

"Where is he mama? He didn't come home for years...when will he come..?!"he asked

"Baby I told you naa..he has a mission but he will come soon don't worry...!"I said as I lied.

"Now eat this cake before Lisa comes and eats to herself!!"I said

"No that Lisa the pizza won't get any cake today!"he said cutely making me chuckle.

I cut the cake and then we both ate it.

"Mama let's play a game!"he said after we finished eating the game

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"Mama let's play a game!"he said after we finished eating the game.

"What shall we play huh?!"I asked

"I will run and you catch me!"he said and ran.

"Arey Kairav!!"I said standing up and running after him.

Me and Kairav ran around laughing. In the end the caught him.

Now it was his turn to catch me. As I ran I ran towards the house.

"Stop right there!"Kairav said

" Now here comes the frog prince. He will come and swallow you!"Kairav said making me stop on my tracks. I stopped in shock and turned around slowly.

Kairav said that? He exactly spoke like Kartik.


Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed the chap.

Kairav and Kartik will meet soon😋

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