Chapter - 1

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Anya's POV

My breathing ragged as I ran to reach my home..... Everything is black. I can't see anything.

"Help... Please help" nothing is visible... As if I'm standing in the middle of nothing.

I turned back to see if those people are coming behind me or not.

"shit..." I cursed as I twisted my ankle. My body is in very bad condition.

Suddenly I heard some voices... I think they are here. I ran as fast as I could to save my life.

I didn't see the hole that was in the way and  suddenly fell in it.

"ahh..... "

I wake up due to nightmare, with sweat covering my body. I don't know when will these nightmare will end for me.

I turned to see the time it's 4:00 a.m. and I don't think I could catch any sleep. So it's better to leave the bed.

I moved to washroom to change in yoga pants and sports bra. Let's get the day started with some good exercise.

I reached the park nearby my penthouse while jogging. No one is there at this time... Of course which idiot wakes at 4 and come for jog.... Except me.

I shake my head to clear stupid thoughts and get started with some exercise.

Finally I reached my penthouse after doing hell lot of exercises.

I forgot to introduce myself.. How stupid of me.  Well I'm Anya Sharma, well known neurologist and the owner of Fortis.

Yes, I am the CEO of the Fortis and have created it's 10 other branches around the world. Ladies and gentlemen that is how the world knows me as Dr. Anya Sharma.

I moved to bathroom to get a shower. As the cold water drops falls on my back, I can feel my muscles relaxing.

What should l wear today?  Hmm.... Let's see for something good in my walk in closet.

After deciding on black pants along with cream coloured shirt. I got ready to get my day started.

Food is love and I can't even stand a minute without food

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Food is love and I can't even stand a minute without food. I reached downstairs to kitchen and found Maria my cook already setting my breakfast.

"Morning Maria" I got my self settled on the dining table.

"Good morning honey. How was your sleep?"

"It was good." I said while recalling my nightmare. As Maria knows about my nightmare... I don't want to trouble her with all this. So it's better not to tell about my nightmare.

"What's for breakfast?" I added.

"Your favourite chocolate pancakes with orange juice."

"Oh wow... I love you Maria.. You are the best. Please get it fast, I don't think I can stop the mouse from running in my tummy." My mouth is already watering with chocolate aroma.

"No need to make them stop from running. Here.... Eat it. " She laughed.

I grinned sheepishly and start to devour the pancakes.

"Yuummm.... "

After having breakfast. I went to my bed room to get my doctor coat for which I studied day and night, my littmann and the case files of patients which I had read yesterday.

"Bye Maria. You can leave early today."

"Sure honey. Bye and have a great day. "

I got my car keys and rushed out of the apartment.

I checked my pager for today's cases that I have to deal with while waiting for the lift.

I unlocked my favorite car which I first bought from my money and got in side it.

Let's head to Fortis for starting another productive day.

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