Chapter - 5

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Abhimanyu's POV

After getting ready, I came downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning everyone "

"Good morning " said all.

"Ohh aloo Ke parathe.... Thank you aunty. I can eat as many you give them." I said

Everyone started laughing after hearing my love for aloo ke parathe.

"Have as much as you want beta" aunty said. Manyata aunty is so sweet, always polite to everyone.

"Beta going to hospital" uncle asked.

"Ji uncle.... And I might come late today, will be with my friends. " I informed uncle.

"No problem beta.. Be safe. " said Rakesh uncle and Mukesh uncle nodded.

"Sure uncle. Sid, Akash how's your work going?" I asked while enjoying my breakfast.

"It's going good but a bit hectic." Sid said.

"Many surgeries are lined up for today" said Akash.

Sid and Akash both are doctors, and work along with khushi and their elder cousin brother Aditya and his wife diya in his hospital.

"Sakshi.. Plz pass the juice."

"Sure bhaiya"

After having my breakfast.. I went to Fortis in my Porsche. Yes dude I earn good enough money to afford Porsche.

Entering the hospital, I met my best friend Riddhant. He's MD of Fortis.

"Hey bruhh"

"Hi man"

"Where to MD sir?" I joked.

"Oh please not you... I get so tired with all this work and you are laughing on my expense" he glared at me.

"Yes dude" I laughed alongwith Aradhya who came when Riddhant was narrating his displeasure.

"Asshole" Riddhant pouted.

I and Aradhya hi-fied each other. Soon Riddhant also joined us.

Aradhya is Riddhant's gf, my friend, gynaecologist and works in Fortis.

"Congratulations Mr. Cardiologist for getting achievement award by Fortis for your amazing work" Aradhya said.

"Thank you Miss Gynaecologist" I bowed and winked at her.

"Congratulations dude"

"Thanks Riddhant. Are you guys coming for the event to London" I asked them, wishing them to come.

"No Abhi, we can't come" they said.

"Guys please come. I'll get bored without you guys"

"You know we can't come. We have to look around hospital and have our schedule busy. And you know my leave would not be accepted by the CEO of Fortis aka my best friend " Riddhant winked.

"Yes of course we'll have to confirm our leave from London dude" Aradhya laughed.

Who the hell is their best friend about whom they always talk about. These three share amazing bond and I don't know who their best friend is.

Whenever I asked them, they'll either ignore me or make fun of me, but neither told her name nor showed her photo.

Listening to them I think their best friend is happy, cheerful person. And I actually want to meet her, after hearing so much about her.

She kind of fascinates me.. She is like a mystery.. Neither saw her nor talked to her but still intrigues me. Hope so I'll get to meet her soon.

" Guys you and you best friend about whom I don't know. Will you guys tell her name? " I complained.

"Nope" they grinned.

"Will I ever meet her?"

"Hope so" they had longing looks on there faces. They miss her alot and according to what I know she doesn't comes to India due to some bad memories.

"Don't worry guys. Your best friend will come and meet you guys soon" I smiled.

We three went back to our respective work.

After our day at hospital, we had our dinner and went to club to have drinks...while sharing our college stories.

When I went home it was pretty late. After changing I went to bed thinking about their mysterious friend and the event.

I soon drifted to sleep while having a good feeling about this event.

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