Chapter - 11

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Author's POV

Raj and Nandini were happy that there son finally found someone for him.

They were waiting to hear the wedding balls. And praying for their children's happiness.


Rakesh and Manyata... Though looked happy but were always sad.

No one knows about their daughter. No one takes her name after that unfortunate day.

They loved their daughter to moon and back.

For Rakesh.. His daughter was everything. Whenever she was in problem... The only person she called was always her papa.

There heart still can't believe that their daughter can do something like that... But the facts stated otherwise.

They knew they raised their daughter well with all the love. Even after three years there heart is in denial... That there daughter would do something like that.


Riddhant and Aradhya were spending some quality time, strolling in the park.

"I miss her" said Aradhya.

"I miss her too" Riddhant added.

"I think Abhimanyu met her in London. The way he told about her appearance.... It's her only. "Aradhya kept her head on Riddhant's shoulder.

"I know... And I think it's high time for her to come back and face everyone" Riddhant sighed.

"Baby should we tell Abhi ....the girl whom he likes is none other than our bestie... Anya" Aradhya pouted facing him.

Riddhant caressed her cheeks lovingly and kissed her pout "No baby we shouldn't.. Let destiny do it's work... The only thing we need to do is... To bring her back to India."

"Yeah you are right"

They both embraced each other in a hug.... Thinking about their best friend and remembering there college memories.


Days kept passing keeping Abhimanyu and Anya busy in there life.

Anya's nightmare were troubling her lot and she didn't knew what to do about it.

She was busy day and night with surgeries and managing her hospital.

Ri and Aru would constantly call her asking about her whereabouts and convincing her to come back.

She don't know whether to go or not. She misses India and her friends alot.

She knew it was high time for her to gather herself and face her problems.

One day or the other she would have to face it than why not now.

It was only Mia, Aiden, Emily, Eric, and Hazel who kept her going sane. Otherwise she would have drowned herself in her loneliness.

Anya had made her mind to go to India. She thought she'll go soon and overcome her fears.

Hospital and renovation work kept Abhimanyu busy but that didn't meant he forgot about her mysterious beauty.

It has been two months since the day he saw her. He had no clue.. How to find her.

Whenever he talked about her to Ri and Aru... He can sense change in their expressions. It felt as if they were hiding something from him.

While at Sharma's house... He can see the longing look on faces of Rakesh uncle and Manyata aunty.

He felt as if some part of them was away from them... But what could it be. He encountered many awkward or you can say serious moments on dining table.

Everyone was hiding something or the other. His house renovation was going on.

He missed his family alot. His dad, mom, Riya, Nishant.
He badly wanted to meet them, talk to them about her mysterious beauty.

Abhimanyu also notice some kind of tension whenever Ri and Aru were in Sharma house.

He thought Ri and Aru knew the Sharma's when he started living with them... But why did they behaved as if they knew each other from years or it was his imaginations.

He decided... It's high time now and he needs answer. Or he was going to find it in his way.

He needs to find her mysterious beauty soon. He realised that it was not just attraction... It was much more than that. His feelings were intensifying for her as the days kept passing.

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