Chapter - 17

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Abhimanyu's POV

It's been one week since the day I got to know about Anya. Everything changed since then.

Ri and Aru more often joined the Sharma's for breakfast.

Everyone looked happy. Rakesh uncle and Manyata aunty are the most happiest person. Why wouldn't they be.... After all there daughter is gonna come back.

Aru and Ri filled us with Anya's lifestyle, her schedule at London.

Manyata aunty was trying different recipes for Anya. Rakesh uncle was getting her room renovated.

Varun, Aditya bhaiya's son was excited to meet her new bua. Everyone was busy planning something or the other.

Tanya, Shivin and every other family member apologised to Rakesh uncle and Manyata aunty.

No one was talking to Tanya and Shivin. They did came at Sharma's house but no one talked to them.

I saw my phone to see its dad.

"Hi Dad. How are you all? "

"We are good... But I think someone is in great mood today." Dad pulled my leg.

"Yes dad I'm in a great mood. When are you guys coming back?" I asked.

"Open the gate"

"What? " I asked confused.

"Open the gate of your room."

I jumped from my bed and opened the door to get surprised.

There stood my dad, mom, Riya, Nishant alongwith Ri, Aru and the Sharma family... Laughing at my shocked expression.

I hugged mom and dad. "When did you guys came? You should have told me, I would have come to pick you up. "

"Bhai it was meant to be a surprise" Riya winked.

I ruffled her hair. God I missed them.

"Raj ji, you all freshen up and come downstairs. We are waiting over there. " Rakesh uncle said.

"Sure Rakesh ji." dad replied.

After dad, mom, Riya, Nishant changed... They came downstairs where everyone was sitting.

"How did you know where I lived? " I questioned them.

"Dude.. What I'm for?" Ri smirked.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Dad this is Rakesh uncle... I told you about him and this is his wife... " Dad cut me in the middle.

"We are already done with the introduction" Dad said making everyone laugh.

"Bhai we are angry with you" Riya and Nishant complained.

"Why? " I raised my eyebrow.

"You didn't told us about bhabhi. Everyone knows except us. " they both pouted.

"Uhh... "I scratched the back of my neck.

"My... My... Dr. Abhimanyu Mehra is blushing" Ri said dramatically.

Everyone laughed seeing my red face.

"Beta who's my daughter in law?  What's her name? Tell us everything" Mom said excitedly.

Dad, Riya and Nishant nodded. Ri and Aru winked at me. Rakesh uncle and Manyata aunty were grinning waiting for me to say something.

"Mom, her name is Anya..."

"Wow such a beautiful name. I want to see her photo" Mom interrupted me with her excitement.

Dad laughed "Nandini let him complete what he's saying "

I thanked dad. "She is Anya Sharma, Rakesh uncle's daughter."

Mom, dad looked confused "You told us he only had a son? "

I looked at Rakesh uncle to see him nodding his head,silently asking me to tell them everything.

I took deep breath. "Dad, I met Anya in London. She is world's best neurosurgeon and CEO of Fortis. "

I paused to see there expression. Dad, mom, Riya, Nishant looked impressed.

I continued and told them I got to know about her. What all she went through. Why she left for London. Everything.

Till the end everyone was in tears.

"Oh god... Poor soul went through so much" Mom wiped her tears.

"I'm happy that you find someone. We are more than happy to welcome her in our family " Dad smiled.

"Now we'll have our new crime partner" Riya and Nishant hi-fi each other.

Dad went and hugged Rakesh uncle. Mom did same with Manyata aunty and congratulated her.

"I failed as a dad. But I'm happy my daughter is going to have such a beautiful family" Rakesh uncle joined his hands.

Dad hugged him and said "We are more than happy to get a daughter, Rakesh ji"

"Everyone is ready for this relation. All we need to do is wait for Anya to come back" Aru grinned ,making everyone smile.

This is all I want, my family to be happy and laughing all the time. The only thing that is missing right now is Anya... Which will soon be completed.

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