Chapter - 43

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Anya's POV

I was checking finance reports.

When a notification poped up. I opened it, it's Mia.

Ahh... It's about the reminder of the conference at New York.

I was busy with my work.

"What are you doing? " Abhi sat beside me and rested his head on my shoulder.


"Don't you get tired?" he asked.

"Yes, I get hell tired" I said.

"Than come and let's have fun" he said.

Huh.. I looked at him to see what he meant.

After noticing his smirk and evil glint in his eyes, I understood what fun he's talking about.

I rolled my eyes at him.

I stopped my movement as Abhi placed a kiss on my shoulder.

"Abhi" I whispered.

"Ohh god... My eyes... Someone save my eyes" Nishant covered his eyes with his hand making Abhi roll his eyes at him.

"Don't you have some work to do that you came over here" Abhi glared at him.

Nishant smirked "Actually bhai there's more fun in sneaking on you"

Abhi shaped Nishant's head.

"Stop hitting my brother " I lightly hit Abhi's arm.

"See my bhabhi is there to save me from you. I love you bhabhi" Nishant came beside me and hugged me.

I blushed as he called me bhabhi "I love you too Nishant"

"Bhai you heard her. Bhabhi loves me" Nishant kept teasing Abhi.

Abhi glared us and stormed from there making us laugh hard.

After the work was done, I went to Aru.

"Aru.. " I called her.

Aru came towards me "Yes "

How to say it to her?

"What?" Aru asked again.

I rubbed the back of my neck "Actually Abhiaskedmeonadate "

Aru raised her eyebrow "what? Mind repeating it again"

I know she heard me.

I glared at her "Abhi asked me on a date"

Aru shrieked making me put my hand on her mouth.

"What the hell Aru? "

She ignored me and jumped in excitement "How? When? Where? "

I facepalmed myself. I told her everything, about how he asked me.

"Aww... So cute" she said making me blush.

"Oh the great Dr. Anya Sharma is blushing" she said making me hit her arm.

"Dude will you come and help me to get ready" I asked annoyed looking at her.

"Yes ma'am at your service " she dragged me towards my room waiting for my reply.

As we entered the room, I found a gift wrapped box placed on the bed.

I opened the note placed on the box "A beautiful dress for my beautiful lady"

I blushed reading it.

"I didn't thought Abhi has a romantic bone in him" Aru looked amused.

She opened the box to reveal a beautiful black bodycon dress.

"Wow" Aru looked at in awe.

"It's beautiful " I said.

"Now let's get Abhi's beautiful lady ready in this beautiful dress" she said, pushing me in the shower.

I came out in bathrobe.

"Come" Aru made me sit in front of vanity.

"Keep it light" I said but she shushed me.

She started her painting on my face. She blow dried my hair and curled it at the ends.

She didn't let me look in the mirror and again pushed me in bathroom with the dress.

I wore the dress and came out.

" are looking hot and sexy" Aru said making me look in the mirror.

I couldn't believe it's me

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I couldn't believe it's me. The dress fitted like a glove showing my curves.

Aru gave my eyes smoky look with light red lipstick.

She handed me wrist watch and black heels to complete my look.

"Perfect" she said admiring her work.

We were interrupted by the knock.

I took my phone and opened the door to get amazed by the sight infront of me.

There he was looking handsome, hot and sexy at same time

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There he was looking handsome, hot and sexy at same time.

I literally checked him out.

"Wow.. " he whispered staring at me.

I blushed "Bring her back on time. Have fun and do not forget to use protection " Aru said and ran from there.

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