Chapter - 29

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Anya's POV

On seeing the smile on everyone's face... The staff... Children... Patients, it was worth celebrating Diwali here.

The only thing that is calming me down is there smiles.

I was helping the staff to take the patients from there room to the ground where everything was arranged.

"Anya is there anything, I can help you with? " someone said from behind me.

I turned to see it was Abhi looking handsome in his red kurta and white salwar.

Coincidentally we were matching.

"Umm... No everything is done. Enjoy with all" I said.

"Well.. OK and Anya? " he paused and was looking nervous.

I raised my eye brow at him "Yes"

"You are looking beautiful " he scratched the back of his neck.

I laughed seeing him "Thank you Abhi and you don't look bad either yourself "

He grinned and left leaving me amused.

There is something about him... The way he sees me... The way his eyes tries to say a lot of things to me. I shake my head dismissing all these thoughts.

After everyone was present here. I moved towards the stage " OK so I think everyone is here. First of all happy Diwali to all. I hope you all enjoy this day. Guys that's my family and you might be knowing some of them. So without wasting time let's enjoy. There are the crackers and food is arranged over there"

I looked to see everyone shouting and showing there excitement.

Abhi and Ri were helping children to burn the crackers.

Everyone or the other was accompanying each of the patient and helping them.

I went towards a handicapped patient, to help him burn the crackers.

The smile it bought on everyone's face is the best gift that I got.

Throughout the night, I caught Abhi glancing at me from time to time. Whenever are eyes would meet, we would smile at each other and look away.

What's going on with me? Why am I noticing him so much? Why am I feeling different around him? Why I always feel at peace while staring in his eyes? I don't know what's going on with me.

After enjoying and helping them to have there food.

I asked everyone to leave for them mansion. "Uncle everything is done here. I think you all should leave"

"But what about you beta? " Vijay uncle asked.

"I'll come afterwards after checking on everyone, when they are shifted to there room."

"OK beta. Be safe"

They all left. I was surprised that Ri and Aru didn't argued to accompany me. Whatever it was but I was happy.

After settling everyone in there rooms and checking on everyone I left for the mansion.

I know I have to talk to Ri and Aru. I can't ignore them.

I need to face my fears. And now I won't cry. I'll make my choices. I'll make my decisions.

I entered the mansion to see the lights were off. Everyone slept, it was late already.

It took me 2 hours to return from there.

I moved to my room, changed into something comfortable and moved to kitchen to find something to eat.

I opened the fridge to see my plate of food was left. But I was in no mood to have it.

I took a glass from stand and filled it with water. While I was drinking the water I frozed on hearing some noise.

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