Chapter - 22

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Author's POV

It's Diwali today, everyone was excited... Unaware of the surprise they were gonna get.

After having there breakfast everyone was sitting in the living room and discussing today's plan.

It was when they were disturbed by the ringing of bell.

Aru got up "I'll see whose there on the door. You guys continue. I'll be back. "

Everyone resumed there work.

Aru went to the door. As soon as she opened the door.

"Surprise" Anya shouted looking at her best friend.

"Ahhh... " Aru shouted as she couldn't believe... Her best friend... Her Anya was standing in front of her... Or was she dreaming.

On hearing Aru's voice Ri got up and went to check the door.

"I'll go and see, why Aru shouted like that? "

Ri rushed towards the door only to see Aru hugging someone.

"Aru who's it?  Why did you shouted like that? "Ri asked concerned.

Aru parted away only for Ri to get the shock of seeing her best friend seeing in front of her.

"Shit.. " Ri cursed as he couldn't believe his eyes making Anya and Aru laugh at him.

Suddenly listening to Ri's voice, everyone rushed to the door only to see Anya standing at the door.

Everyone was shocked to see her here

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Everyone was shocked to see her here. There she was standing in black leggings, greyish blue top with white sneakers.

Rakesh and Manyata had tears after seeing there daughter.

Sid couldn't believe, he was seeing her sister after 3 long years.

Vivek, Swati, Vijay, Maya, Ruhi, Samar were happy to see Anya back.

Raj and Nandini were surprised to see her over here. They couldn't believe she was Abhi's Anya.

They couldn't believe it. Two years back Nandini had a fashion show for charity work. That was where they met her. They didn't knew they were gonna meet that sweet girl again who made a place in there heart.

Raj and Nandini had that amazing evening with her. They enjoyed a lot. Raj and Nandini liked her a lot.

They were happy that the girl whom they met two years ago... The girl whom they liked and enjoyed the evening with.... The girl who their son loves... The girl who's gonna be there daughter in law. It was the same girl.

Riya and Nishant were excited to meet there soon to be bhabhi and get to know her.

Coming to Abhimanyu... It was completely different case for him.

He couldn't believe his prayers were answered.

It was like he was bewitched by the beauty standing in front of her in casuals, looking gorgeous as always.

He didn't missed how his heart beat fastened. He knew she had a affect on him like no one else.

He just wanted to go hug her and kiss her and tell her how much he loved her.

Abhi came out of his thoughts thinking what he just said.


As in love?

He loved her. He had a different shine in his eyes as he realised he loves Anya.

He couldn't wait to make her his. But he knew he couldn't hurry and scare her.

He looked at her beautiful smile. The aura that she had around her.

It was like she takes smile, happiness along with her wherever she goes.

Now there was no turning back. He promised himself, he would give so many beautiful memories to Anya that she'll forget every bad memory.

He promised he would give her so much love that it would erase every scar on her soul, every pain she went through.

He was happy to have his mysterious beauty... His Anya... His love infront of him.

Finally the life of the house was back.

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