Chapter - 65

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Abhimanyu's POV

Preparations are going on in full speed.

I can't wait to have my love as my better half.

Everyone is enjoying all the functions and rituals especially Mia, Emily, Aiden, Eric and Hazel.

It's there first time seeing India culture and wedding.

The respect and love they have for my Anya makes me feel proud of Anya.

She struggled and earned so much with her hard work.

Only one and a half day left for me to make Anya mine.

Mehendi was amazing. The whole time I sat beside Anya seeing her get my name written on her hands.

Everyone has to literally pull me away from her.

As her hands were covered in mehendi, I fed her dinner.

After mehendi, next day was sangeet.

It was so fun. Everyone did the performances, my parents, Anya's parents.

Mine and Anya's dance was magical. We were so lost that we forgot that we had audience infront of us.

Tomorrow morning it's gonna be haldi function and after that I won't be able to see my Anya.

So today evening we are having our bachelor's party together as we have common friends.

I'm finally ready in my white shirt, Blue Jeans and black jacket.

Ri insisted we boys to reach there separately as according to him I'm always sticking to Anya's side.

So I'll be only able to see her in the club.

I and Ri went in the club and waited for others.

Within five minutes others came as well.

I kept looking at the entrance waiting for my love, that is when my heart skipped a beat to see my love looking beautiful and hot in her black dress.

As she and Aru came to us, I moved towards her "you're looking gorgeous"

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As she and Aru came to us, I moved towards her "you're looking gorgeous"

"Guys not here, I'm tired of seeing so much PDA" saying this Abhi took me with him away from them.

He ordered shots and we kept drinking.

Ri, I, Samar, Nishant, we all went to dance floor.

We danced crazily on the floor. Some girls came and started dancing with us.

Samar and Nishant kept flirting with them except me and Ri, we have our beautiful partners.

Among those girls, one of them came and started trailing her finger over my chest while dancing and kept coming closer.

I was getting uncomfortable and before I could say something she was yanked away from me.

"What's your problem?" the girl said Irritated.

"Problem... My problem is that you are busy shoving yourself to my fiance who is clearly uninterested in you" Anya glared at her.

Wow.. My girl is possessive.

"Fia.. Fiance?" the girl asked embarrassed.

"Yes fiance, so stay away from him. He's mine" Anya said befits putting her lips on mine and kissing me.

The girl had already left being embarrassed.

Anya pulled away "And you... You are too busy enjoying with other girls that you didn't object them rather enjoyed with them" she glared and left from there.

I saw her going towards bar. I looked towards Ri to see him apologising to Aru.

I wanted to laugh at his situation but right now I have other priority.

I went towards bar to see Anya gulping her drink in anger.

I moved towards her and took her glass from her.

"What?" she asked angrily.

"Go and enjoy with those girls. Might be you find someone better than me" she added while glaring at those girls who were staring at me.

I stopped myself from laughing "You are jealous?" I said.

She looked shocked and glared at me.

"You are jealous " this time I said it as a sentence rather than a question.

Anya turned towards me and took hold of my collar "Yes I'm jealous. I'm hell jealous of all the girls who are eating you with there eyes. Only I have that right to look you in that way. Only I can devour you. You are mine. I'm damn possessive of those things that I love"

I crashed my lips on her taking away her insecurity.

"I love when you are jealous and I love it when you get possessive for me. You are the only one whose gonna rule my heart. And I'm equally damn possessive of the things that I love" I said while she grinned at me.

We kissed marking each other.

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