Chapter - 40

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Abhimanyu's POV

Her lips felt so soft and sweet.

I placed my one hand on her cheek and with other I pulled her her more towards me and slowly caressed her waist.

I licked her lips ever so softly, as I entered my tongue in her mouth.

She wrapped her one hand around my neck and other went towards my hair.

We broke apart and breathed looking at each other.

"Anya I like you and I need you, not anyone else. You are the strongest person I have ever met. I deserve only you and no one else. I want to spend my life fixing you. My love is enough for both of us. I'll wait for you to love me back. You deserve a lot. I know you feel something for me too. Stop fighting yourself sweetheart. Please give me a chance to show you what you deserve " I asked with lot of hopes.

She stared at me with her eyes flowing.

I wiped her tears " Will you" I asked the girl who captured my heart.

"Yes" She whispered.

I hugged her tight. "Thank you.... Thank you so much sweetheart, for giving me a chance "

She kissed my cheek "Thank you Abhi for making my life beautiful "

I grinned "Now we should kiss properly " I teased her at her blushing face.

We kissed again and this time it was more passionate and filled with love.

"I like you baby" Anya blushed at my endearment.

"I like you too Abhi " she said.

We hugged each other and stayed like that for some time inhaling each others presence.

"Let's go inside, otherwise your best friends will come searching us here" she nodded her head.

I left her hand thinking she might be not ready to tell about us to everyone.

But she surprised me by holding my hand in hers "I'm ready " she said making me the happiest man.

I kissed her forehead and we went inside holding our hands.

We entered to see half of the guest have already left.

It was mostly our family having dinner.

As we entered catching there attention. They looked shocked at first seeing our hands and than started shouting.

Ri and Aru came towards and hugged us making me and Anya laugh.

"I said something was going between them" Aru said to Ri.

"I'm so happy for you guys"they said.

Everyone came and congratulated us except Anya's family.

I looked at Rakesh uncle and Manyata aunty to see them smiling through tears.

I nodded my head at them.

"I'm so happy. Finally bhai confessed his feelings to bhabhi" Riya said making Anya blush and confused.

"He had eaten our brain since the day he saw you at London. He asked us to search you "Aru said making me blush.

Anya looked surprised at me "That means everyone knew that you liked me since the day at london" she asked.

I scratched the back of my head "Yes"

After a lot of teasing and planning about Ri and Aru's engagement we went to our rooms.

Today  is the best day. I just want to hold Anya for the rest of my life.

After changing into something comfortable I went to Anya's room.

I was missing her and I want to meet her.

I knocked at her door waiting for her to open the door.

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