Chapter - 55

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Anya's POV

I had the peaceful sleep since last two months.

My head is paining with lot of drinking.

I tried to remember what all happened yesterday while I was drunk.

No... Did I really told Abhi that I love him? Did I asked him to stay beside me?

I slowly opened my eyes praying it all to be a dream.

As I opened my eyes, I was greeted with most beautiful view.

Something that I can get never tired of.

He's looking so peaceful while sleeping.

That means I really told him that I love him. Way to go Anya.

How can I be so stupid?

"Done admiring me?" I looked to see Abhi wide awake.

I ignored his question and got up from bed.

Abhi pulled me into him.

"Anya.. " he called

I didn't dare to look in his eyes.

He lifted my face meeting my eyes with his.

"Anya can't you see my love for you in my eyes" he asked gently.

His eyes, the most beautiful pair of eyes I have met. They were depicting so many emotions.

Among which love stood out above. I can see his care, genuineness, love, honesty.

I didn't said anything.

"Anya I'm sorry for hurting you. I promised Rakesh uncle because I want to see you smile as I love you. He is repenting his mistakes.  Forgive him. I loved you the day I saw you in London. The next time I saw you was when I discovered who you are. I wanted to make you mine. I wanted to marry you. I asked your hand from Rakesh uncle. That day when you heard us, you didn't heard our full conversation and misunderstood me. My emotions, feelings, my love can never be fake for you" he said while wiping my tears.

I hugged him tight and cried in his chest.

"I'm sorry for misunderstanding you. I should have directly come to talk to you" I said.

"Yes you should have come. I was gonna come to you to talk after Ri's engagement. But you left without informing. I was hurt and angry on you. Never pull a stunt like that. I was so angry that even you came I said so many things which I didn't meant. I'm sorry for that" he said.

"I won't repeat that ever. Sorry for going without informing anyone" I said.

"I love you Anya " Abhi said.

I smiled "I love you too Abhi"

He smiled as he won something precious after hearing me and kissed my lips.

Hmm.. I missed him so damn much.

I kissed him pouring my love in him.

He entered my mouth making me moan.


He groaned and pulled me more into him.

His hands slowly caressing my waist, my back.

I moved my hands from his hair to his chest, feeling his warmth.

He left my lips and started trailing kisses down my neck, on shoulder.

He trailed the path back and again claimed my lips.

As we parted to take breath he kissed my forehead and hugged me.

"Abhi thank you for not leaving me, even when I tried to push you away. Never ever leave me" I told my fear.

He hugged me tight "I'll never leave you. I'm always there to bring you back. I'll won't let you go away from me"

I smiled hearing him. It felt so good to be back in his arms, feeling his warmth.

"I'm so happy to be back at home" I said smiling.

"Home?" he asked confused.

"Yes, my home... In your arms" I said.

He looked at me in awe and kissed my forehead.

We stayed like that embracing each other.

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