Chapter - 46

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Anya's POV

I was awake last night because of someone special.

I don't know when, how, where.... But yes I have fallen for him.

I love Abhi.

I realised this fact last night after talking to Aru.

As awesome best friend she is, she knew something was wrong with me so she forced me to say and finally I told my fear to her.

Aru is more happy than me... As according to her I'm finally getting all the happiness.

I can't tell how happy I am. I just want to go and tell him how much I love him.

I'm scared of falling for someone but with him I'm ready to take the chance.

Aru is constantly teasing me since the time I told her about my feelings.

I went downstairs to see everyone is busy with doing preparations.

Preparation? For what?

Ohh shit... It's my best friend's engagement.

How can I forget it? 

I looked around to see Abhi... But he is not here, might be somewhere here only.

"What's more is left to do? Tell me I'll do it" I said to Vijay uncle and Vivek uncle.

Afterall it's my best friends engagement... It has to be perfect.

I helped them with the left errands.

After two hours, still I couldn't find Abhi... Where is he? He didn't came down?  Is he fine?

I'll go and check it myself. I made my way towards his room to check on him.

As I neared his room, I can hear some voices.

May be he's talking with someone.

As I was about to open the door, I stopped while listening to second persons voice.

I didn't meant to eavesdrop but I couldn't stop the curiosity as I heard my name.

What is he talking about me to Abhi?

"Thank you beta. I don't know how to thank you " he said naming me confuse.

Why is he saying thank you to him.

"There is no need for it Rakesh uncle " Abhi said.

"I can't find someone better than you for my daughter" I froze as he said this.

What the hell is going on?

"I promised you uncle that I would bring your daughter's smile back and I'm fulfilling my promise " Abhi said.

No... No... No... This can't be true.

I went to my room, I don't want to hear them.

How can he do this? He was only fulfilling his bloody promise.

I felt betrayed. This is why I'm scared of falling for someone.

It was all act for him as he promised someone.

If he wanted to bring his daughter back, he could have tried some other way... What was the need of making me feel loved.. Making me fall for him.

I wiped my tears angrily.

Ahh...  I'm angry at myself. How can I trust all his words.

I'm not gonna make fool of myself. They have done the enough damage. Now no more.

I washed my face and went downstairs to complete the left over work.

I avoided Abhi as much as I can.

Whenever he came to talk to me. I would make some excuse and go from there.

I so don't want to talk to him. He doesn't need to pity my condition and do favour on me by bringing my happiness back.

After the arrangement was done, we all went to our respective rooms to get ready for the engagement.

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