Chapter - 60

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Abhimanyu's POV

As I think I got Anya for myself to spend some time.

Someone has to come and interrupt us.

After spending complete day with deciding all the preparations, I tiredly went to my bed.

It was hectic deciding the stuff but with Anya, I'm always ready to do such stuff.

Each and everyone is so excited for my wedding, Anya and I are the happiest.

Well right now if you are thinking that why I'm not with Anya right now because I need to wake up early tomorrow and with Anya you know I won't want to leave the bed early.

Ri has some seminar tomorrow, I don't know why I was not informed about it before.

And that person is taking me with him to those boring stuff.

Though I denied but one look from my dad and I knew I'll have to accompany him.

And rest all laughed at my misery. I welcomed sleep with dreams of Anya.

The next day I woke up with the ringing of my alarm.

I got up, showered and changed into green tuxedo with white shirt and brown tie.

I set my hairs and admired my looks

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I set my hairs and admired my looks. Hmm... I'm looking handsome.

Soon enough I got down and had my breakfast.

Everyone was enjoying.

I looked at Anya to see her talking with Riya, Ruhi, Nishant, Samar and Aru.

I waited for her to notice me and compliment my looks, but didn't got any response.

I was getting impatient. As I was about to call her, Ri said "Come, we shall leave or we'll be late "

I nodded at him and went with him.

"What's this seminar about? You didn't told me there was some seminar that you need to attend" I questioned him.

"Umm.. Actually... I too had forgotten about it. Yesterday Aru reminded me of it... Yeah" he stammered making me suspicious.

The seminar was hell boring. I can see Ri was also getting bored.

Finally it got completed. We both rushed from that boring place.

Ri was busy with his phone and my mind was wondering about Anya.

After parking the car, we reached the door.

Ri was behind me. I opened the door to meet complete darkness.

Where are everyone?

Within few seconds, everyone shouted "Happy Birthday "

It's my birthday today. how can I forget. I looked around to see all my loved ones standing there.

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