Chapter - 57

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Anya's POV

It's so fun in pulling Abhi's leg.

Abhi came towards me making me confused.

He took the picture from my hand and threw them on the table.

He took my hands in his making me confused.

Before I could ask something, he said "I never thought about any other person in my life. I was focused on my career. But the day o saw you I was bewitched by you. It was love at first sight for me. I tried finding you. And when I found you, I planned to never leave you. I'm not saying that there won't be tears in your eyes, but I can guarantee I'll always there to hold you. I'll be the reason behind your each and every smile. Your mere presence, your smile makes me alive. I want to spend each and every moment of my life with you. I'll be there in your happiness to celebrate with you, in your sorrow to cry with you. I may make mistakes but atlast I'll always comes back to you realising my mistake. I want you to correct me when I'm wrong. I want you to hold me when I fall. I want you to guide me. I want you to love me. "

I can't imagine it's actually happening. I can't control my tears.

He got down on his knee and holded a ring in his hand.

"Will you make me the happiest person by loving me? Will you make me complete by being my betterhalf? Will you give me the honour of cherishing you throughout my life? " he said.

He's the only one I want to spend my life with. There can never be another person to replace him.

I too got down on my knees.

"An.. " I stopped Abhi from saying something.

"You know I can be a mess lot of time. Will you be able to handle my moods? Will you able to handle my tantrums? Will you be able to always hold me whenever I try to push you away? " I asked him.

He grinned "Yes. Only I can handle your tantrums. Only I can see the moody Anya along with her other versions. I will always hold you. Will never let you go away from me. Will you become Mrs. Anya Abhimanyu Mehra? " he said.

"Yes" I smiled.

He took my hand and made me wear the ring.

On hearing the sound of claps I realise everyone is here.

Abhi kissed my forehead. "I love you"

"I love you too"

I hugged him. Everyone started cheering and hooting.

Nandini aunty, Raj uncle came and hugged me.

Papa mumma were busy blessing Abhi.

Ri and Aru were arguing over the venue of my marriage.

Riya hugged me.

"Yay... Bhabhi is gonna come soon to our home" Ruhi said making me blush.

Nishant came and hugged me "Bhabhi"

I was pulled away from Nishant into a hard chest.

I looked to see the owner of this chest glaring at Nishant.

"Bhabhi, bhaiya is not letting me hug you" Nishant complained.

"What's this Abhi? " I asked him.

"You can only hug me. Hug me as much as you want" he said making me roll my eyes.

"Bhabhi, bhai is jealous that you love your brother-in-law aka me more than him" Nishant said making me laugh.

Abhi ran behind Nishant to hit him.

"Dad save me, bhai is getting over possessive for bhabhi " he said making everyone laugh at there banter.

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