Chapter - 14

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Tanya couldn't believe her ears. "That is where Shivin went."

"I think Tanya is right."

"Anya can do all this."

"Maybe she was jealous of Tanya."

Everyone supported Tanya and made Rakesh believe it was Anya who's at fault.

Anya came back home with her torn jacket, cheeks swollen, hairs coming out of her pony tail.

She couldn't understand why everyone was tensed, why Tanya was crying.

"Papa what happened to all? " she asked her dad.

Instead of a reply she was greeted by slap. She couldn't believe her papa his hand on her.

Her cheek stinged. She looked at her dad ...wishing all this to be a nightmare.

"Why did you did this? Why did you destroyed my life?" Tanya blamed Anya.

"What's going on? Will someone tell me " Anya looked confused.

"Where were you?" her dad asked.

"With my friends."

"Were you with your friends or having fun with boys that you came back home with torn clothes and all " Rakesh shouted in anger.

"Papa.... " Anya couldn't believe her that her papa was saying something like that to her.

She knew every one in the family didn't liked her. But her papa will think like that she never thought.

"Don't... I don't have a daughter. You are dead for me. I have only one child and that is Sid. Leave from this house. Don't show your face again." Rakesh said.

"You tried to trap Shivin. He's my fiance for god sake. How can you do that to me. How can you be so heartless. I would have given you everything you wanted. Why you have to take my Shivin away from me." Tanya blamed her for something she never did.

"You are disgrace to our family. "

"You are so cheap. "

Anya heard everything with tears flowing and her eyes focussed on her dad.

"Papa do you trust me? " she asked with hope .

Rakesh didn't said anything... Just looked down.

Anya looked at her mother and her brother but both of them looked down.

She got her answer. Her own parents didn't trust her.

"Papa mummy, you guys didn't even asked me for any explanations. You just believed what they said. You don't even trust your own daughter. You should have known I can never do anything like that. " her voice cracked.

She wiped her tears "I'll leave. You asked me for it and I'll do so. I knew this so called family never liked me but I thought atleast my parents would trust me. But I was wrong. But you all will realise what you all did. "

Tanya interrupted her "Shut up. Just get lost from here. You are a selfish bitch. You only know how to snatch other's men. Bloody slu.."

"Shut up Tanya. I'm not going to listen shit about myself like my parents did. Before pointing your finger on me question your bloody fiance. Get your facts straight and than open this shit mouth of yours. " Anya shouted and packed her bags and left everything behind....Her family, her parents, her house everything.

Rakesh fell down on his knees and started crying. Manyata and Sid ran towards him.

That day they lost Anya.

Flashback ends

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