Chapter - 6

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Abhimanyu's POV

What's this sound? Where the hell is it coming from? Someone just stop it.

I groaned and got up to see its my phone.

Ahh.. Who's calling in the morning? 


"Don't hello me Abhimanyu Mehra. Where is your phone?" the voice spoke.

Shit it's mom... Why didn't I saw the name before picking the call.

"I'm calling you from last one hour. But no you are in your dreamland. Don't you have a flight to catch" mom said.

"I didn't heard my phone mom. I had surgery lined up yesterday."I scratched the back of my head.

"No problem beta. Now get up and get ready. You have your big day. My son is getting honored for his achievements. I'm proud of you beta."

"Thank you mom. I love you."I smiled hearing my mom.

"Love you too my baby. Get ready fast. Don't be late to catch the fligh."

"Yes mom. Bye. "

"Bye. Take care."

I changed into trousers and went downstairs. Everyone is seated at the table.


"Good morning "

I sat down and took poha alongwith juice.

"You didn't told us man. It's such a big thing. You are getting appreciated for your work. Congratulations man." Sid complained.

"I was going to tell you guys."

"Uncle I'm getting award for my achievements in field of cardiology. I will leave after having my breakfast. I have a flight to catch." I added.

"Congratulations beta. We are proud of you. " Rakesh uncle said.

"Congrats " "Congratulations" "Keep up the good work "

"Thank you guys"

"Bhaiya may be you'll find someone over there" Akash winked .

"Who will give their daughter to me?" I joked. While I noticed Rakesh uncle and Manyata aunty having longing looks as if they are missing someone.

"Any father would be lucky to have you as his son in law." Rakesh uncle said with seriousness.

"Uncle I would have married your daughter if You had one" I tried to lighten the mood but I guess I didn't helped much.

Everyone at the table became silent after hearing this. Did I said something wrong?

Seeing the environment Sid changed the topic "when will You leave for airport?"

"In four hours."

Everyone silently had their breakfast. After completing my breakfast I excused myself and started checking my bags for anything that I missed.

I heard my phone ringing. It's Riddhant.


"All set to leave."

"Yes man."

"When will you leave foe airport?"

"Within two hours."

"OK I'll be there. Will drop You at airport."

He didn't even let me replied and hanged the phone.

After completing packing. I changed to cream trousers and blue T-shirt.

I took my bag and moved downstairs, where I got call from Riddhant

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I took my bag and moved downstairs, where I got call from Riddhant.

"I'm outside the house. Come fast."he said and cut the call. What's with him and cutting the call.

"Uncle I'm leaving " I informed Rakesh uncle.

"OK beta. Have safe journey."

"Have he ever heard of hearing reply from other person? " I asked Aradhya, who also came with Riddhant.


Riddhant glared us and we both laughed.

On the way I told them about what happened at breakfast table. They both looked each other and had disappointed look along with anger... Maybe. I think all of them are hiding something.

I said byes to them and boarded my flight. 9 hours 25 min to go.

I woke up due to the announcement. Ahh we are landing.

I came out of airport with girls swooning over me. I raked my hand through my hairs to give them some show. I smirked.

I checked in the hotel which are booked by Fortis for every doctor who is gonna join the event.

Entering the suite... I must say Fortis did amazing arrangements.

I changed into something comfortable. While lying on the bed I messaged Riddhant, mom and Rakesh uncle ...informing them I reached safely. And got drifted into sleep.

I woke up with my alarm ringing. I ordered something to have and went to take shower.

The bell ringed... May be room service. Ohh food is here.

After having my food. I got ready in black tuxedo, gelled my hair and sprayed my favorite cologne.

 I got ready in black tuxedo, gelled my hair and sprayed my favorite cologne

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I am all ready to go. I took my phone and went where car is waiting for me. Yes they even arranged separate vehicles for everyone too.

Let's make grand entry.

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