Chapter - 54

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Anya's POV

Soon enough everyone came down.

We all settled and started having our food.

"Maria the food is awesome " Ri said.

"Thank you child" Maria said.

We all talked. The apartment felt more homely with everyone's presence.

Aru said "Let's go for clubbing"

"You all go. We elders will get some sleep. But be careful children" Raj uncle said.

Everyone shouted in excitement.

We went to our rooms to get ready.

I showered and changed into blue dress. It came up-to my thighs and hugged me perfectly.

I added black boots, silver bracelet, silver earrings, scarf and left my hair open

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I added black boots, silver bracelet, silver earrings, scarf and left my hair open.

I came down to see almost everyone was ready.

"You look Hot" Aru said.

"I'm always hot" I winked and we both laughed.

We were waiting for Abhi. There he is, looking hot in white T-shirt, Blue Jeans and black jacket.

 There he is, looking hot in white T-shirt, Blue Jeans and black jacket

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Stop drooling over him Anya. I scolded myself.

I saw him checking me out.

"Shall we leave" I asked.


We all took three cars with us.

We showed our passes and entered the club.

Everyone was swaying there hips on the music. We all made our way towards the bar.

"Who's gonna be sober to drive us back home?" I asked.

Ri, Abhi and Shivin volunteered there names.

"Cool... Finally after a long time I'm gonna drunk" I and Aru hi-fied.

We ordered our drinks.

We took the shots and Aru dragged me to the dance floor.

The alcohol is doing its work in my system making me free.

I and Aru danced like crazies.

Soon enough all joined us on the floor.

We had drinking competition on who'll drink more.

I'm sure Ri is gonna have hard time to control Aru.


Abhimanyu's POV

God these girls are crazy.

Anya is looking hot and sexy. I can't stop myself from staring her.

I remembered her face when I kissed her cheeks in the Starbucks.

I missed her so damn much in these two months.

I hope I can do everything right.

I and Ri joined them on the floor.

As the music changed I pulled Aru towards me.

"Abhi... I'm taking Aru back with others. Come safely with Anya" Ri said. I looked to see Aru passed out in his arms.

I nodded my head and he went from there.

I turned my head towards Anya to see her staring intently at me.

"Abhi.. " she felt my face with her fingers.

I know it's the effect of alcohol.

"Yes baby" I said softly.

"You are here? " she said with moisture in her eyes.

I nodded. She hugged me tight and started crying.

Shit... I took her out of the club with me.

"I missed you " I sniffed.

She missed me so much and still didn't received my calls.

She'll be death of me.

"I missed you too sweetheart" I wiped her tears.

"I love you Abhi. I love you so so much. Don't ever leave me again. I missed you so much. I cried every night missing you" she whispered.

I love you too baby. How much I want to listen her confession in her somberness.

"Come we should go home back it's getting late " I said to her.

She came silently with me. She hides my hand near to her feeling my presence.

I made her sit in the car. And drove to apartment.

Everyone is already asleep. I carried her in my arms to her room.

Throughout the whole way she kept looking at me lovingly.

I layed her on the bed and covered her with duvet.

She hold my hand "Please don't go"

I can't see her vulnerable. I took off shoes and jacket and got in the bed beside her.

She hugged me and snuggled into me.

"I love you Abhi. Please don't leave me again" she said.

"I love you too baby. I'm here always" I kissed her forehead.

God knows what will happen when she'll see us in this position but right now I'm happy knowing my Anya loves me and missed me as much I did.

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