Chapter - 42

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Anya's POV

My bed smelled different... Good different.

I snuggled more into it, but it was bit hard.

What happened to my bed? I tried to turn but my movements were restricted.

What the hell? I opened my eyes and turned around to met with a beautiful smile.

Abhi is looking like a baby. His eyelashes kissing his cheeks.

His lips looking as kissable as ever. I traced my finger from his forehead, moving to his jaw.

I can never get enough of waking beside him.

I moved forward and kissed his forehead, than his eyes, his cheeks, his nose, and stopped debating should I kiss his lips.

They are irresistible. I was jerked out from my thoughts on hearing his voice "You missed my lips"

He was awake the whole time and was enjoying it.

I blushed at his statement. I tried to move away to freshen up.

But Abhi pulled me towards his chest, wrapping his arms around me.

"Good morning " I said looking at him while he was caressing my cheeks ever so softly.

He lifted my head and kissed me.

His tongue entered my mouth and tasted it making me moan.

After breaking apart he smiled "Indeed it's a good morning "

"Abhi leave me, we need to get ready and be downstairs. Tomorrow is Ri and Aru's engagement. We need to see the arrangements" I said but still he didn't left me.

He kept hugging me "Will you go on a date with me?"

I was shocked at his sudden question. I looked to see him waiting nervously for my reply.

I stopped myself from laughing.

I pecked his lips "I would love to"

It took some time for him to register for what I said.

He grinned and kissed me fully on my lips.

After sometime Abhi left for his room. I showered and got ready to have my breakfast.

I opened my door only to see Abhi looking fresh with his wet hairs falling on his forehead, waiting for me.

His face brightened on seeing me. He took my hand in his and we went downstairs.

Everyone grinned seeing us.

"Good morning bhabhi " Riya and Nishant said making me blush.

Abhi side hugged me and scolded them "stops teasing her you both annoying people"

"Ohhhh..... " everyone hooted seeing Abhi's concern.

"Someone had an amazing night" Aru whispered.

"Shut up" I said.

We went and took our seat but this time instead of sitting in front of me, Abhi sat beside me ignoring everyone's stare.

We were having out breakfast and planning about the engagement.

When suddenly Abhi holded my hand behind the table and kept our hand on his lap.

He was eating silently as if he's doing nothing.

I tried to snatch my hand only for him to tighten his hold.

I wasn't able to concentrate on what others were saying as he was making random patterns on my hand, making me loose my self.

"Aru di we aren't get the feel as if it's your engagement " Samar said looking at me.

I know what he's trying to say. I glared at him but that stupid ignored it.

"Yes bhai Samar is saying right" Ruhi said.

"Why? "Ri and Aru asked confused.

I was busy trying to take my hand away but this stubborn person isn't leaving it.

"Actually instead of you someone else is getting lovey dovey" Samar said smirking at me.

Abhi grinned making me glare at him. Ri and Aru laughed teasing me.

"Shut up kiddos" But they continued to laugh.

"Raj uncle you should already get them married "Ri said making me blush.

"Yes dad he's right" Abhi said expectantly making me shocked, while others laughed at his eagerness.

After completing our breakfast. We all got busy doing the arrangements for tomorrow.

After helping them, I took my laptop to do some work.

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