Chapter - 36

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Anya's POV

Why is Ri talking in circles? How will I tell him right now?

Of course I had heard a lot about him.

But meeting him and telling this news how and when?

Seeing my confused face, Ri spoke "let me do the introduction again but this time correctly "

He smirked "Abhimanyu meet Dr. Anya Sharma, neurosurgeon and CEO of Fortis. And Anya meet Dr. Abhimanyu Mehra, cardiologist, the one and only whom you have heard about"

I looked stunned at Abhi. That means Abhi is Dr. Abhimanyu Mehra.

I was still in shock when everyone started laughing seeing my face.

"Woah... " I said.

"So you are the great Dr. Abhimanyu Mehra, about whom I had heard a lot. I must say I'm incredibly impressed with your work Dr. Mehra" I winked at him.

He bowed "Thank you and my pleasure Dr. Sharma that you know me"

I chuckled at him "You know I so wanted to meet this Dr. Mehra. And all this time Dr. Mehra was infront of me"

He grinned at me.

"So guys I have some news for you all" Vivek uncle said having our attention.

"Today I and Vijay, have organised a business party. And I invite you all to be there" Vijay uncle said and everyone nodded except I, Ri and Aru.

Damn... We so hate these businesses parties. I have to think of some excuse.

"Uncle actually I have some work at hospital and I might be busy" I said.

Vivek uncle and Vijay uncle stared at me.

"Isn't it Ri. Don't we have work at hospital? " I kicked his legs hoping he'll get my message.

But no stupid he'll always stay stupid. "What the fu.... " he hissed but stopped midway seeing my glare.

I guess he understood "Ahem.. Yes dad. We have some work at hospital. So maybe I, Aru Anya and Abhi can't come to the meeting. "

Aru eagerly nodded her head and talking about that dumb Abhi, he looked amused.

"I think you three know that how pathetic are you at lying" Vivek uncle said trying suppress his smile.

"No more excuses children. Make sure you three are present over there " Vijay uncle said sternly.

"But these business parties are boring" we three pouted but all ignored us.

I was busy doing my work. When Abhi came and sat beside me.

"What's up?" he asked.


"What are you doing?"


"Don't you get tired?"


He got irritated with my one word answers. He took my laptop and shut it.

"What the hell? " I shouted.

"I'm getting bored"

I was fuming with anger now "And this is why you decided to irritate me. You are so gone Mr. Mehra. Run for your life"

I started running behind Abhi.

"As if you could catch me" he teased me.

While running we went in the backyard where everyone was sitting.

"What's going on guys? "Ri asked.

"Ri catch him" I said.

"Why can't me by yourself? " Abhi angered me.

I took the water pipe which was at the side of the bushes.

I turned the tap on and pointed the pipe at him "You are dead Mr. "

Within no time Abhi was drenched in water glaring at me.

We laughed seeing him.

"Run Anya " he started running behind me taking the pipe to point at me.

I ducked in time only for Ri to get wet who was behind me.

I and Aru laughed at him.

"Anya" They both shouted and that's when we all entered the water fight.

I, Abhi, Ri Aru, Riya, Samar, Nishant and Ruhi were wet.

"Stop you kids. Go get changed and get ready for the party"

Nandini aunty scolded us. But we being the idiots laughed and went to our room to get ready for the boring party.

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