Chapter - 30

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Anya's POV

I put the glass down slowly on the slab without making any noise.

Who can it be here?  At this time? Thief?... How stupid of me?  How can he enter through the security.

While I was busy in my stupid thoughts someone placed there hand on my shoulder making me jump.

"Hey it's me. Relax"

I calmed down to see it was Abhi trying to control his laugh.

I glared at him "Laugh... Laugh all you want at me"

He shook his head innocently.

I ignored him and started taking pan and filling it with water "What are you doing in the kitchen at this time?" I asked him.

"I came to get water and what about you? " he came beside me leaning on the kitchen slab and watching me intently.

I don't know why but I felt nervous as if he could see through me "having my food."

He looked at the water boiling in the pan "this is not food. Why aren't you eating proper food? "

"Not in a mood to eat that" I said trying to end this topic.

We stayed silent for a while. "can you make some for me too"

I raised my eyebrow at him but choose not to question him "Sure"

I made Maggi for him too. We settled on the table and I served him and myself.

After a moment of silence I questioned him "You had your dinner few hours ago than why did you asked for Maggi again. I'm sure you aren't feeling hungry."

He stared at me as if trying to understand why I asked this to him.

"So that you don't go to bed empty stomach while leaving your Maggi too" I said calmly making me curious about what he said.

"What?" I didn't hide my surprise.

"You didn't had the food because you didn't wanted to eat alone especially today on Diwali. So I choose to accompany you so that atleast you can have your maggi" he replied.

I was stunned to hear him. I was right he can see through me. He can read me.

I didn't said anything rather than it I continued to look down and have my Maggi.

"Don't push people away Anya. Speak your fears out. You are the bravest woman I had ever met. Talk to me if you're comfortable, I'm your friend too. Or talk to anyone whom you feel comfortable with. But please talk out your thoughts. Don't bottle them up. don't shut people away. Don't ignore your best friends, they were sure wrong on there part but let them explain once and than decide what to do. Maybe they had some reasons. We all are here for you. I'm always here for you whenever you need me" he said making me look at him.

He smiled at me and left to his room leaving me behind in thoughts.

I was repeating everything that he said.

He's right. I should talk to them.

It felt good to hear something like this. I needed someone to say all this to me.

He was right about why I didn't had proper food. Each and every single thing he said was right.

I cleaned the dish and went to room.

I closed my eyes but sleep was far away from me.

I saw beautiful pair of black eyes, with his charming smile.

I opened my eyes with jerk. Why the hell am I seeing him.

He is creating a havoc of emotions within me ,which I'm afraid of.

I closed my eyes again trying to sleep.

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