Chapter - 20

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Author's POV

The journey was amazing. They took rest between the journey.

It took them 3 hours to reach the mansion. It was at the outskirts.

Getting down from the car everyone looked the mansion in awe. It was a sight to see.

Rakesh and Manyata were proud to see that there daughter have accomplished so much in her life

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Rakesh and Manyata were proud to see that there daughter have accomplished so much in her life.

Everyone thought how much Anya worked hard for all this.

The mansion was decorated like a bride. They couldn't believe how did Anya managed to do all this in one day.

On entering the mansion all were busy aspiring it's beauty.

"Guys how's it?" Ri asked all.

"it's amazing "

"beautiful "


Ri and Aru looked at each other and grinned listening there replies.

"It's Anya's dream house" Aru said with a smile.

"OK so guys. Anya has arranged everything over here. Over there on first floor, there's the master bedroom which of course is Anya's room. Next to it mine and Aru's room. Elders can take the room downstairs and the rest of you all go choose your rooms on first floor. And on second floor, there's play room, movie room, gym, and other such stuff. There's a pool at the back and garden. So this is short tour of this mansion. Rest you can explore yourselves. Let's change and have our lunch" all agreed with Ri and went to there rooms.

Everyone came and settled at dining table.... Looking at mouth watering dishes.

"Wow it looks delicious " Ruhi said excitedly.

"Yes. No doubt in it" Akash said.

"Who prepared all this?  And that to in such short time? " Abhi's mom, Nandini asked.

"Aunty meet savita aunty, she prepared all this for us. Anya has already hired her and told her to be here before us" Aru cleared there confusion.

"Namaste. Hope you'll like the food abs enjoy your vacation " Savita said shyly.

"Thank you Savita for preparing all this " Manyata thanked her.

They all sat down and started having there food.

"How did that little girl arranged all this in such a short time? " Raj asked surprised.

Vijay laughed " There's no doubt on that. Raj, she's an amazing person and a beautiful soul. She always thinks about others first. "

"Yes it's true. Always puts others first before her and not to forget I'm her favourite uncle. " Vivek said while smirking at Vijay.

Everyone looked amused at there childish antics.

"No... I'm her favourite uncle" Vijay argued.

"No it's me"

"No it's me"

"Raj uncle this always happen. Anya Di is everyone's favorite. They are arguing with each other on whose favorite uncle. and when di is here than don't even ask... such kids they become" Samar said making everyone laugh.

"I'm so excited to meet her now" Raj expressed his excitement.

No one has seen two great Businessman arguing like kid. So it was something that amused all.

"Bhai I miss her. When will Anya Di come back? " Ruhi asked Ri.

"Yes. It's no fun without her. " Samar said sadly.

"I also wanna meet her. I have heard so much about her. " Riya said and Nishant nodded agreeing with her.

"Don't worry kiddos, you'll meet her soon. She'll come back soon. " Abhi said smiling towards them and silently praying for Anya to come back soon.

Anya already was excited to meet her best friends, there family. There was a constant smile on her face since the day she decided to go and meet them.

While on the other hand she was nervous too for visiting those painful lanes again.

"Mia book my flight tickets for day after tomorrow " She asked Mia.

"And interns do your work and give email me reports of each day." She added while instructing the interns.

"Yes Anya "

"Yes ma'am "

They left her cabin for there respective works.

In the meantime Anya called Priya her PA at Delhi.

"Good evening ma'am. You called so suddenly today. "Priya asked nervously.

"Evening to you too. And yeah it's sudden because I'm coming India in two days. Get my cabin cleaned. I want all the files of the hospital on my, equipment being used, working report of doctors working there... Each and every file. And the most important thing no one should know about my arrival especially Dr. Riddhant and Dr. Aradhya. Did you got it? "

"Yes ma'am. Everything will be done and have a safe journey. "

Finally she's going India.

In the mansion everyone was busy preparing something or the other. As after two days it was Diwali. And it's excitement can be clearly seen on everyone's faces.

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