Chapter - 13

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Abhimanyu's POV

We all waited for Tanya to put the pendrive in video player and waited for video to play.

Ri and Aru holded there hands as waiting for something big to come.

It looked as Rakesh uncle, Manyata aunty and Sid would cry any moment.

Tanya and her parents were angry while others sat with neutral expression.

As the video started playing. I can see everyone were so happy at that time... While functions going on.

Suddenly I thought I saw my mysterious beauty... But what she'll be doing over here.

What the hell I'm thinking? I saw Ri and Aru looking at me for some response.

I looked back to the screen, where sid is hosting the sangeet ceremony.

And than there came my mysterious beauty... Dancing on the stage, laughing.

"Stop the video" I shouted.

After stopping the video I saw Rakesh uncle, Manyata aunty crying. Sid, Ri and Aru were having tears.

"Who is she? How do you guys know her? What is she doing in this wedding?" I demanded answers from them.

Nothing was making sense. I needed all my answers today.

"She is the one who tried to snatched my happiness from me. She's a bloody bit... " Tanya was interrupted by Aru.

"Dare you complete that sentence. "

What is going on? Why Tanya is saying such words about her? Why is Aru defending her?

"Aru what is going on?" I directly asked her.

"Oh it seems she didn't told you about her. Did she?" Tanya smirked.

I looked at Aru only to see her looking down.

"Let me do the honour of introducing her" she said pointing towards my mysterious beauty on the screen.

"Riddhant and Aradhya are your best friends. Right?" Tanya asked me.

"Yes" I looked in her eyes confidently.

"So sad...your best friends didn't told you about there best friend. She is Anya Sharma. Daughter of Rakesh Sharma and Manyata Sharma. Sister of Siddhartha Sharma. Best friend of Riddhant and Aradhya. And not to forget my cousin sister. " Tanya laughed.

I was shocked. My friends didn't told me about her. I felt betrayed. Everyone knew about my mysterious beauty.

I shouldn't judge them. They always thought good about me. There might me something more to it. I need to trust my friends.

"She is my daughter...Anya " Rakesh uncle said through tears.

I waited for him to continue.

"3 years back, one evening...

Flashback (author's POV)

One evening everyone was sitting together and laughing that is when they got interrupted by a courier boy who gave a courier.

There was no name written on it. For whom it was nothing. Rakesh Sharma opened the courier only to be shocked.

Everyone ran towards him... Who stood as a statue.

"What happened bhaiya? What is in the courier?" Mukesh asked concerned.

He took the the courier in his hands to find some photos in it. He himself was shocked to see what was there in those photos.

Mukesh passed the photos to other family members.

Tanya started crying seeing her fiance in those pictures with some other girl clinging on him.

Everyone was tensed thinking how can Shivin do such thing.

That is when Tanya said her insecurities "I should have known this was going to happen. It's not Shivin. It's Anya who did this."

Everyone looked shocked at her. How can she say something like that about her sister.

"What the hell are you saying Tanya?" Rakesh shouted making her flinch.

"Yes mama ji. I have seen Anya and Shivin many times. They were friends before I met Shivin. " she cried.

"That's not any excuse for putting blame on my daughter's head. "

"I'm saying the truth mama ji."

"Yes I believe my daughter bhaiya. I have also seen both of them together many times. " Anita, Tanya's mom said.

"You can even see these pictures also." Tanya cried.

Rakesh couldn't believe what he was hearing. Her daughter Anya can never do anything like that. He couldn't believe it.

"If according to you Anya is fault than so is shivin" Sid argued.

"No, I know Shivin. He would not do such thing. He loves me. It's Anya who trapped her." Tanya defended him.

"See at this time neither Shivin is present nor Anya. Where is Anya?" Tanya questioned.

"She went to blue orchids to meet her friends." Manyata said.

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