Chapter - 12

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Abhimanyu's POV

It's Sunday today and am lazing around. I had taken today's off .

Today almost everyone are at home. And maybe Rakesh uncle's elder sister and younger sister might come with their families.

Let me tell you about them too.
Anjali Mehta is Rakesh uncle's elder sister.... Rahul Mehta her husband.... And they have a son... Aditya Mehta who is married to khushi Mehta and have a cute baby boy... Varun.

The amazing thing is that all four of them are doctors and they have there own hospital ...where Siddhartha, Diya and Akash also work with them.

Anita Mishra is Rakesh uncle's younger sister. Her husband...Mahesh Mishra is a teacher. There daughter Tanya Verma works in a company and is married to Shivin Verma who is a Businessman. There son Rohan Mishra is in college.

So that's a quite huge family. I got disturbed by my phone and its Ri calling me.

"Hey man"

"Don't hey me... I'm getting bored" Ri complained.

"So why are you telling me this... Am I your entertainer?" he never fails to amuse me.

"Yes... Did you realised it now" he said with smugness.

"No need to irritate me. Come over here at Sharma house. It will be fun" I said while getting off my bed.

"OK cool. I'll be there " he hanged the phone.

I looked bewildered at the phone. Is he planning something evil. How did he agreed coming over here. As much I know whenever he comes he always waits outside.

I put my thoughts aside and entered bathroom. As I made my way downstairs I can hear many voices.

May be uncle's sister might have come with their families.

Yeah I was right. "Morning people"

"Morning " they said.

I started having my breakfast while listening them gossiping about their relatives.

I saw all the youngsters recalling there childhood memories.

There happiness is clearly visible on there faces... Except Shivin.. He's looking somewhat disturbed. Nowadays he's always like this.

"Hey man all good" I asked Shivin.

He quickly composed himself "Yes Abhi "

After breakfast we all settled in drawing room where I was listening to there stories and telling them about mine.

Suddenly everyone got silent while looking at someone behind my back.

I turned to see who it was who changed the entire mood. It was my best friends Ri and Aru.

I told you there is some tension between them going on. "Guys. Come in"

They came and joined me. Everyone was staring at them.

"You didn't told us your friends were coming" Rakesh uncle asked.

Before I can reply, Ri said "Uncle we were getting bored so we thought to meet him. It was all sudden."

I raised my eyebrow at him asking what's going on and they both looked everywhere other than me.

"Oh OK. Abhi go and take them to your room. You guys can have privacy. " Rakesh uncle said.

This time it was Aru who interrupted me... Even before I can say something "No problem uncle. We are fine over here. We would love to sit with you guys."

For sure something is fishy. They are planning something.  Seeing the tension I and Sid changed the topic. We all told what is going in our lives.

"I'm getting bored. What should we do?" Sakshi pouted.

"Why don't we see Aditya bhaiya's wedding video?" Aru said.

"Oh yeah... That will we good. I wanna see it." I said excitedly.

That is when I noticed how everyone became silent, with there eyes staring at Aru.

"Yes uncle why don't we see?  Even Abhi also wants to see there wedding." Ri asked Rakesh uncle.

I can see hesitation on his face... not only on his face.. on everyone's face.

"No I don't think it's great idea" Tanya spoke with anger.

"Why not Tanya?  Are you scared about seeing something or someone." Aru challenged her.

"Why would I be scared?  Sure let's see it." Tanya said nervously. While Shivin, Sid, Rakesh uncle and Manyata aunty looked at her with disappointment.

Ri and Aru grinned as they accomplished something.

"Abhi " Ri called.


"We know that you know that we are hiding something from you. "Ri said making me look at him with seriousness.

What's going on?  That means they were deliberately hiding things from me.

"You'll get all your answers today." Aru added.

I just nodded my head waiting for what was going to come.

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