Chapter - 2

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Anya's POV

While looking at the hospital and admiring it, a sense of satisfaction arises within me. This is what I always wished for and I'm proud that I have it.

Managing my hair which are dancing along the wind, I make my way inside the hospital.

As always this is the place where you can see several emotions at one place.

Some are happy because their family member or friend has recovered from injuries. While some are praying for their loved ones. Some are mourning over the death of their relatives.

You would feel immense satisfaction, peace and happiness while helping others. I wanted to experience these feelings all the time. This is why I choosed this profession to serve the people.

"Good morning Dr. Sharma"

"Morning " I came out of my thoughts while greeting Sophia, who works as a receptionist.

I made my way towards my cabin. While putting my stuff , I heard knocks on my cabin door.

"Come in"

"Good morning ma'am"

"Morning Mia, when will you remember not to call me ma'am " I fake angered.

"Oopsiee... I'll keep that in my mind. Here's your coffee." she grinned.


"Where are the interns? Did they came or are late?" I enquired.

"Ye.. " Mia got interrupted with another series of knock.

"Come in"

"Good morning ma'am" entered interns nervously.

"Morning" I and Mia stopped ourselves to smile while seeing their faces. Goshh...its so fun to see them all worked up.

Every doctor have 4 interns working under them. I have these four...Eric, Emily, Aiden, Hazel.

They are bunch of cheerful person.... Uplifting the environment wherever they go. And are equally amazing at their work.

"You know that I'm not that scary, that you guys were pretending to be nervous." I said being amused.

"See I told you, your acting skills are pathetic" Aiden said to Emily.

"As if you know how to act" argued Emily.

"You guys have started it again" said Hazel.

"Just to have fun ma'am" said Eric.


All four stopped their banter and stood in silence. While I and Mia laughed out loud, seeing them standing with their open mouth.

"Now this is what we call fun" I winked at them. They also joined us and started laughing.

"OK back to work. Have you guys studied the reports of the patient that I asked you to read and make notes. "

"Yes ma'am" they kept their notes on my table. This is what I was talking about them being amazing at their work.

"Good. Go and take round on the patients who were operated yesterday and than report me."

"Yes ma'am" they left the cabin.

"Mia get me the reports of patients who are scheduled for today."

"OK.. I'll get them." Mia left for files.

My phone starts ringing. Ahh.... It's none other than two stupids which are in my life.

"Yes Aru"

"Are you alive? "

"What's with this question?"

"Oh see Ri, what she's saying. Bloody hell, where were you yesterday. Check your phone Miss I'm-busy. I called you 25 times, left 50 messages and for sure you might have seen them as always. God knows in which part of earth you were. But still you are answering the call as if nothing happened." Aru shouted. I can hear Ri asking her to calm down in the background.

I had to take phone away to prevent my ear drums from getting burst.

"God Aru stop shouting... "

"Listen to this girl asking me to be quiet... "

"Stop dumbo" I interrupted her.

"Sorry I was hell tired yesterday. So went to bed early and didn't saw your messages or call. But from next time I'll sure keep in mind to always reply to your calls in my sleep too. "I added.


I laughed, "how are you and what about Ri?"

"We are fine but are missing you a lot... Please come back home." I can sense her sadness.

"I miss you guys too... You know I'm busy over here." I said.

"No, you are not that busy. Try fooling others but not me. I know you had some bad memories overhere but please come back for me.... for Ri... For the happy moments we had." She argued.

"I'll think about it" I know she's right but recalling those bad memories only brings tears and pain.

"Please do think about it."

"Yeah, I'll call later... Right now I'm in hospital and am busy. And do ask Ri to send me the reports of the staff working there in Fortis. "

"OK, I will. Bye take care. "

"Bye" I hanged the phone.

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