Chapter - 49

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Anya's POV

Finally today's the last day of conference.

I have my flight just after it. I'll be leaving for airport directly from the venue.

I got ready in classy blue shirt and navy coloured pencil skirt.

I got ready in classy blue shirt and navy coloured pencil skirt

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There wasn't a single moment that I didn't missed him.

I love him. I'm trying very hard to keep my emotions in check.

But when I'll be back... I don't know how am I gonna control myself.

So the conference got over. I had a flight to catch.

"Where to ma'am?" Evan asked.


After a tiring flight. I'm back.

I just need my bed.

"Namaste Ramesh uncle" he was waiting at airport.

"Namaste beta. How was your journey?" he asked.

"it was good uncle"

I closed my eyes and rested my head back.

I don't know how all are gonna react. I know I have lot of making up to do.

"beta we reached" Ramesh uncle said.

I got down and took my bags from the car.

I slowly made my way inside. All are seated together.

"Anya" Nandini aunty came as soon as she noticed me, catching everyone's attention.

"Where were you beta? You went without informing anyone of us. We were so worried" Nandini aunty said along with Maya aunty and Swati aunty.

"Mom why are you worrying for someone who has the habit of running away" I was shocked to hear Abhi.

What the hell?

"Shut up Abhi" Raj uncle shouted but he didn't flinch.

"Why dad? You are worrying about her and what you'll get in return" Abhi said angrily.

Why the heck is he angry?

"Bhaiya I already said, there's no use of putting so much efforts. She doesn't want to talk to us. It's like we are begging her" Anita bua said.

I know how she is. I waited for Papa to say something but I knew he won't.

"She doesn't know anything. She's wearing these tight, short dresses. It's as if she has forgotten our culture" Anita bua added.

Yeah she won't point it out when there daughter is wearing short dresses.

Aru came and hugged me "where were you? Never do it again"

Her words brought a smile on my face.

Before I could reply her, Abhi interrupted us.

"Why are you worrying about her Aru? I'm sure wherever she was, she was all fine. You called her your best friend. Has she done anything to be called that. She's just busy in herself. She even can't make you happy. On your engagement day she went without informing anything. You and Ri would always worry about her but she was there in London, busy with her life. All she does is think about herself and nothing else. Everyone is trying to amend there mistakes. Rakesh uncle, Manyata aunty are waiting for there daughter to come back. But no she can't see the efforts. Anita bua is right. She is nothing just a selfish bitch" Abhi said harshly.

"Abhi... " Aru slapped him.

Is this true. Don't I think about others. Am I selfish.

He's not my Abhi. He's not that person whom I love.

The Abhi whom I love is sensible.

I wiped my tears and went towards him.

I looked in his eyes. I can point out so many emotions in his eyes.... Love, anger, guilt. But the damage is already done.

"Yes, wherever I was, I was all fine and happy. I was busy with my life while my friends were worrying about me. Yes, I didn't did anything to be called there best friend. Yes, I only think about myself. I'm selfish. And last time I checked there daughter died three years ago" I said last line looking at Papa and mummy.

"Beta we are sorry for that day. We didn't trusted our daughter and lost her. Beta please forgive us" papa said through tears.

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