Chapter - 19

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Author's POV

Everyone was chilling at Sharma house. This has become a kind of tradition now since all the misunderstanding are clear.

They were, laughing, joking around, planning for Diwali which was coming next week.

"I wish Anya was here with us on Diwali " Manyata said with softly.

"Yeah... It feels like ages without her. She was the life of this home" Rakesh faintly chuckled.

Aru suggested "Why don't we all celebrate this Diwali? "

"How beta?" Raj asked.

"Uncle last year Anya has bought a mansion and we all had decided to celebrate our Diwali over there. So why don't we all go there " Ri asked excitedly.

Youngsters looked excited with the idea of celebrating Diwali with everyone.

"What do you say Rakesh ji? " Raj asked.

"Shouldn't we first ask Anya... I mean she bought it and we all are gonna go and celebrate Diwali over there when she is not present" Rakesh said, everyone agreed to him.

"Uncle no need to worry, she'll be more than happy about it. But still for everyone's satisfaction I'll call her and ask" Ri said.

He called Anya waiting for her to pick the call. He put the call on speaker for everyone to listen. All were excited to hear her especially the Mehra's who were gonna listen to her for the first time... Though everyone had seen her in photos.

"Ri is it something urgent. Say fast. I'm kind of busy. "Anya said from other side of the phone.

"Actually yes ... I and Aru were thinking to celebrate Diwali this time at the mansion that you bought last year as we there had planned" Ri asked.

"Dude I would we more than happy if you guys celebrate Diwali over there. From when did you started asking for my permission?" Anya asked.

"Just thought to tell you yr"

"From next time no need to ask, just tell me. OK? And don't worry about decoration and food... It would be taken care of. I know you'll deny it, but please let me do it.. That's the least I can do. Bye I'll call you later, I'm busy at hospital" Anya hanged the phone without waiting for his answer.

"See I told you guys right" Ri said proudly.

"So it's decided than"Everyone nodded there head.

"Yeah it would be fun afterall it's my Anya's wish" Abhi blurted without realising what he said.

"You are so whipped Man" Ri said making Abhi blush more.

"OK so it's decided we'll leave day after tomorrow in the morning at 10 " Aru confirmed with all.

"Yes" all youngsters shouted making all laugh at there antics.

After leaving for there respective places at night, some were busy planning there clothes, some have started there packing but everyone was missing Anya and praying for her to come soon.

Next day everyone was busy. Elders didn't had to think about decoratins and food....As it was taken care of by Anya.

It was the day for everyone to leave for the mansion. The Sinha's and the Malhotra's came at Sharma house.

They all went together from there. Elders went in SUVs. Abhi took his Porsche. Ri took his BMW. Aditya and Sid took there separate cars.

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