Chapter - 16

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Abhimanyu's POV

It was so much to take in. My mysterious beauty... My Anya went through all this.

Her family didn't trusted her... Not even her parents.

Just because Tanya had insecurities.. She put the blame on Anya.

"After she left the house, she came to us. We were shocked to see her in that state. She cried and asked for only one thing... To take her way from here. After that day she never returned back. " Ri said.

Why would she want to stay here, where no one trusted her. She's there alone. Drowning herself in her work.

I went towards Rakesh uncle and took his hand in mine " Uncle I told you about the girl I liked."

I looked in uncle's eyes and answered "Your daughter Anya is that girl who I like. I met her in London. You won't believe the famous hospital Fortis which is world's best hospital.  Your daughter is the CEO of Fortis. " I said through tears.

I saw happiness and pride in Rakesh uncle's eyes.

"My Anya achieved so much"

"Yes uncle. "

"But she lost herself in it. My Anya is lost. She doesn't speaks much... She doesn't laugh... She doesn't sleeps. She works like a machine." Aru said with a sad smile.

"Please bring my daughter back" Rakesh uncle whispered.

"Uncle I like Anya. I will give her love and everything that she deserves. Will you give your daughter's hand in my hand. Will you trust me with her." I asked expectantly.

Uncle hugged me " Yes Abhi. I trust you with her. I can't find someone better than you for her. Please bring my daughter back to me. "

"I'll bring her back." I said with determination.

"I'm sorry mama ji. I didn't knew anything. I blamed her " Tanya apologised.

"Stop... I lost my daughter back by trusting you. I won't let it happen again." uncle said.

Suddenly Aru's phone started ringing.

"It's Anya... Video calling" Aru panicked.

"Relax Aru. Pick the call. Everyone please don't speak a word otherwise she'll get to know that we are over here. You all can see her on the screen. " Ri instructed everyone.

We all got settled. Aru and Ri wiped there faces. Rakesh uncle, Manyata aunty, Sid, everyone were sitting with a smile on their face... Eagerly waiting to see her.

Aru picked the call and there she was my Anya looking beautiful as always with her angelic smile adorning her face.

Everyone had tears. They were seeing her after 3 years. They were listening her voice after 3 years.

"Why did you guys took so much time to pick the call? Don't tell me you were busy romancing." Anya smirked.

Aru rolled her eyes " Oh please"

"Did the sun rised from west today. That the great Dr. Anya Sharma video called us. We are honoured your highness. " Ri bowed dramatically.

"Yes my peasant" Anya said making Aru laugh.

I couldn't help but think... After going through so much she's still hiding her pain. But her eyes are speaking what she's going through.

"Were you guys crying? " Anya asked.

Aru composed herself "We were missing you."

"Please come back Anya. It's high time you should come back. Fight your fears. We are always there by your side. Please come back bestie. "Ri added.

Anya had tears in her eyes. She smiled sadly "I miss you guys too. I know you both are always there with me. Thank you for that guys and I love you both alot. I know it's high time now. I'll come and meet you guys soon. " she said determinedly making all of us smile.

My Anya is brave. I'll be there with her always... I promised myself.

"We love you too. Come soon. We are waiting. Bye." Aru said.

"Bye guys." Anya hanged the call.

Aru shouted and hugged Ri "We did it Ri... We did it. Our bestie is coming back. "

We smiled seeing the Bond between them.

Rakesh uncle went towards them and joined his hands "I'm sorry beta for taking away your friend. And thank you for taking care of my daughter."

Ri put his hand on uncle's hand "No uncle... We did what was best for her and we'll always do that."

Aru nodded "It's high time uncle and she needs to come back. I need my friend back. "

Everyone was happy. Anya was going to come back. Everyone was thinking how to apologize her. How to ask for her forgiveness.

I have to just wait to make her mine.

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