Chapter - 26

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Abhimanyu's POV

My Anya looked so happy while meeting her best friends.

I saw the Bond the shared.

Not only with Ri and Aru... But also with uncle, aunty, Ruhi Samar.

I came from my thoughts when Ri called me to introduce to her.

This was my time now.

I went towards them and looked at Anya straight in her eyes. She was lost in her thoughts.

I took her hand in my hand and that is when I realised how those sappy stories are true. Because I felt that spark as I touched her hand.

Her soft hand fitted perfectly in my rough ones as if they were meant to be.

I was happy Riya and Nishant had great bonding with her.

And above all, I was angry that my parents knew her from before.

It was good to see my parents and my Anya laughing together.

It was the moment that I want to stop.

But among all this I was nervous about her reaction on seeing her family.

I realised all have become silent only to realise that Anya frozed in her position to see her family.

She looked at Ri and Aru, waiting for them to look at her but they didn't.

She had tears in her eyes and her face masked all her emotions behind blank face.

But her eyes couldn't hide it. I can see through her eyes, the emotions that she's trying hard to control.

Rakesh uncle and Manyata aunty were crying looking at her.

They came towards her and Rakesh uncle hugged her.

My Anya was fighting her fears. I saw the movement of her hand that was in the air hanging, but she didn't hugged him.

Manyata aunty hugged her but she didn't returned it.

She turned towards Ri and Aru but she knew they won't speak.

She asked Nishant and Samar to take her bags and she went in her room leaving us all confused with her behaviour.

Ri and Aru went behind her. But they came back helplessly.

"She didn't answered the door" Aru said sadly.

"We should have told her or hinted her. It was so much for her to take in" Ri took his head in his hands.

"My daughter didn't said a word to me. She didn't even hugged me back" Manayata aunty cried.

"Why will she say something Manyata. We are the ones who caused her so much pain" Rakesh uncle said.

"She was so happy when she came" Riya said.

"Don't worry. Give her some space. I know she's sensible. She'll come around" Vijay uncle said.

"Vijay is right. Let's focus on that Anya is here with us on Diwali and we should make her Diwali memorable " Dad consoled everyone.

Again everyone moved back to there work.

I went to my room to take my mobile which I left over there. As I was coming out of my room I heard some voices.

Where are they coming from.

I moved towards the room next to mine, only to hear these voices increasing. It's Anya's room.

"No please"

"I didn't did anything "

"Leave me"

Shut Anya was having nightmares.

I knocked repeatedly on her door to get no reply.

"Anya are you there? Are you alright? Say something " I panicked.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'll be downstairs in a few" she said with shaky voice.

How much I wished to break this door and held her in my arms.

She's fighting alone with her fears. She's not letting anyone come inside.

I need to speak to Ri and Aru, they might know something or the other about her nightmares.

I moved downstairs. "Ri... Aru... " I called them.

They came towards me. "What happened Abhi "

"Do you guys know anything about Anya's nightmares? "I asked them.

They looked shocked that means they know about it.

"Yes, but it stopped after sometime. How do you know about it? " they asked.

"When I was coming out from my room. I heard voices coming from her room. She was having nightmares. I called her repeatedly. After some time she replied back" I informed them.

"Aru it's not good. She's having it again. " Ri said.

"Anya... " Aru said loudly looking at stairs.

I turned to see Anya coming downstairs hiding her pain.

She ignored Aru. After informing about her work in hospital she left from here.

But as much I know there's no work at hospital. why did she went there.

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