Chapter - 10

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Abhimanyu's POV

I came back from London yesterday night. My mysterious beauty is still on my mind.

Today I'll ask Ri and Aru... if they know anything about her.

I showered, got ready and moved to dining table for breakfast.

"How was London?" Sid asked.

"Found someone?" Akash winked making everyone laughed.

"Did you really found someone?" Sakshi asked while seeing a smile and dreamy look on my face.

"May be" I said.

"Who is she Abhi? "

"Don't know " I said while having my breakfast peacefully... And others looked bewildered.

"What is her name? "

"Don't know "

"He's gone mad"

"Maybe he's high"

"might be after effects of alcohol"

"Still wondering in his dreams"

I laughed listening to them.

"Guys I saw her in the ceremony.. So she might be a doctor and works in Fortis. I don't know what her name is and I didn't got the chance to ask because she left the venue early" I cleared there doubts.

"Are you sure about her beta?" Rakesh uncle looked concerned.

"Yes uncle... I can feel it. And amazing thing is she's Indian and was wearing red Saree in the function " I smiled remembering her.

"Ohh bhaiya is already blushing" said Sakshi.

I just grinned at her.

After breakfast I left in hurry to reach hospital.

I rushed to Riddhant's cabin. He's not here. Might be on his way. Let's wait inside.

I made myself comfortable on the sofa.... Perks of being MD.

Don't know how he manages both the work together... Doctor and MD.  Hats off to him.

Riddhant has quite a huge cabin, window at the side with beautiful view of Delhi, there's a picture of Ri and Aru at the side of his table. I got interrupted with the opening of door.

"What the hell dude?" Ri and Aru looked shocked.

"Is he Abhi's ghost and came to haunt me"

I laughed. He for sure has hilarious imagination.

"Guys I'm not ghost. I wanted to talk to you that's why came early today " I said while they got themselves settled.

"What is it that made you come early today?" Ri asked.

"I like someone " I scratched the back of my head waiting for there reaction... Who were looking at me with mouth wide open.



"Who is she? What is her name? Is she a good person? What does she do?.... "Aru fired non stop questions.

"Wait baby let him answer" Ri calmed Aru.

"Speak" Ri demanded.

"So I met her in London in the function.... Which means she's a doctor too and works in Fortis... But in which branch I don't know. When I entered the venue there she was standing right in front of me on the stage... May be giving speech... I don't know. After seeing her....everything went blank... It was like only she was there and me. She is tall maybe 5'5" with fair complexion, brownish black straight hairs with light curls at the end, brown eyes. She's an Indian... She was wearing Saree in the event. I don't know her name and didn't got the chance to meet her as she left the venue early" I told them ever thing.

Ri and Aru looked shocked... Maybe because I like someone.  They looked at one another and closed their mouths while I was waiting for them to speak.

"So I need your help guys to search about her. Ri you are the MD.. Maybe you would have seen her in any of the branch. Aru can you ask your bestie to find her... She's the CEO so she might know who she is" I asked with hope.

Something was wrong with them. I couldn't pinpoint at their expressions.

"Dude you are whipped" Ri joked.

"Finally there is someone whom you like" Aru said.

"Yes guys. Please help me to find her"

"We will Abhi. Right know let's head to our work. If we'll know something about her we'll tell you" Ri said.

"OK guys.. Thankyou... Will meet you during lunch" I left without listening to their reply.

After the work is completed. I went home. Had dinner with everyone and went to my room.

I changed and was laying on the bed, when my phone rang. It's dad.

"Hi Dad"

"Hi young man. How was your day?" dad asked.

" Hectic. When are you guys coming back? "

"Ohh.. Nandini listen someone is missing us" dad joked.

I smiled "Yes dad. I'm missing you guys. "

"We'll come back soon. So who is the girl? "

"I don't know her name. Met her in London.... " I stopped realising what have I blurted.

Dad started laughing "Nandini get ready to welcome your daughter in law "

I can hear mom shouting at the back. "I don't know dad. I like her. But I don't know anything about her.. Not even her name. It's just I can feel some connection."

"Than find her and tell her what you feel about her" dad advised.

"OK dad... Bye good night... Take care"

"Bye abhi"

I slept thinking about my mysterious beauty.

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