Chapter - 18

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Anya's POV

I'm missing Ri and Aru. I wanna go and meet them. It's always fun to have them around. We often call each other and speak for hours.

But London doesn't give those homely feelings that India gives. Though London feels as my secret hideout.

I, Ri, Aru... We three met in college and after that we became inseparable.

Ri and Aru were college love birds and me being the third wheel.

There parents know about them and they support them... See how cool parents they are.

Ri's father, Vivek Malhotra is CEO of Malhotra company and very jolly person. His mother, Swati Malhotra... Has her own NGO and is a sweet lady. His younger sister, Ruhi Malhotra learning business ...another name of cuteness and prankster.

Aru's father, Vijay Sinha is the CEO of Sinha company and the coolest person. Her Mom, Maya Sinha has her own NGO and is so humble. Her younger brother, Samar Sinha learning business, prankster behind handsome face.

It's so fun to be with them. I miss the times, when I went at there places for sleepovers.

I can't forget how I, Ruhi and Samar pranked Ri and Aru. Those are some beautiful, happy memories.

I came out of my thoughts when a nurse came rushing in my cabin "Ma'am there's an emergency. The patient in room no. 231 who was operated yesterday is sinking."

I jumped from my chair and went to I.C.U. to find interns and other doctors present over there.

It took 5 hours for all of us to stable his condition.

I went back to my cabin, to find Mia standing with my coffee grinning.

"Thanks Mia. You are lifesaver." I took my coffee.

"No problem. So how's was your day till yet? " Mia got seated.

"Don't even ask. It was hectic. " I said.

"What are we gonna do this time? "Mia asked making me confused.

"About what? "

She facepalmed herself "I knew you would have forgotten. Your Indian festival with all lights around is coming soon. What are we gonna do on that day? "

Oops.... I completely forgot about it. Diwali is coming soon.

Well let me tell you... you guys already know how Fortis is. With colourful walls rather than boring white colour.

I try to keep happy environment as much as possible so it can help patients recover fast mentally and emotionally.

That is what makes Fortis unique in itself.

So for them, I celebrate Diwali at every branch of Fortis. Might be sounding funny to you guys... Right. Let me tell you than.

On Diwali, Fortis is beautifully decorated with lights, balloons in  children ward, every single person in the hospital.. Whether it is doctor or working staff or the patients, everyone wear new clothes.

Small function is organized in the open area for burning crackers. It kind of creates a different atmosphere for doctors and patients.

They enjoy that day. And celebrating an Indian festival which they never did... Is something which they look forward to.

"I guess.... Yeah we'll do what we did last year." I said.

Mia jumped in excitement "You know I'm so excited for it. It's so fun celebrating it."

I smiled at her. Celebrating Diwali with Ri and Aru, is something that I always looked forward to. I'll miss them on Diwali.

Suddenly something striked me... I was waiting for a chance to go India to overcome my fears. And Diwali looks a good reason for it.

I shared my view with Mia, asking her opinion "Hey, Mia I'm thinking to go India and surprise Ri and Aru this Diwali."

She looked surprised "it would be awesome. They always asked you to visit them. It would be best Diwali gift for them. But I'll miss you over here" she pouted.

"I'll miss you too Mia. I also think it would be best gift for them" I smiled.

"So what have you decided are you going? "

"Yes" I grinned.

Mia laughed "Yeah.. You should go. I know how badly you miss them."

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