Chapter - 34

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Abhimanyu's POV

I was happy to see Anya was opening up.

Anya, Ri, and Aru have sorted there problems.

I also noticed something going on between dad and Anya. I saw them whispering.

If I'll ask dad, I know he won't tell me rather he'll tease me. And asking Anya about it is like climbing a mountain.

Tomorrow it's bhai duj. I don't know why Anita aunty have to speak in between.

It was clear she was trying to get some reaction from Anya, but Anya ignored her.

I'm happy that Ruhi, Riya, Samar, Nishant convinced Anya to stay at house.

She misses her brother. I know that and she might be able to catch any sleep right now.

I went downstairs to see backdoor was open.

I entered kitchen and made two cup of coffee.

I took the mugs in the garden to see Anya staring at flowers.

I sat beside her and gave her coffee.

It was comfortable silence while having the coffee.

I knew Anya want to say something  so I was waiting for her to say something.

Finally I smiled on hearing her say "Weren't feeling sleepy today also"


"Thank you Abhi, for helping me that day " she said making me look at her.

"No problem Anya, I'm always there" I smiled at her.

I waited for her to open up. I can see she was debating with herself whether she should say or not.

"Say Anya, whatever you want to say, I'm your friend right" I said without turning at her.

She jerked her head towards me, shocked as how did I know that she want to say something.

She faced back at the front "I don't know. I'm feeling confused. I don't know whether I should at bhai duj or not" she said with shaky voice.

She was trying to keep her emotions in control.

I turned towards her "Why are you feeling like this? What is it that is making you feel confused?" I asked softly.

I hold her hand in mine and squeezed it, reassuring her "I'm here Anya. Don't bottle up your feelings"

That's when she broke down.

My heart ached seeing her crying. Her every sob felt like a stab in my heart.

I hugged her tightly and let her cry as much as she wants. "Cry your feelings out Anya "I whispered at her.

She hugged me tightly and cried her heart out.

I was holding Anya but in place of tears I wanted to see her smile.

As I felt that she has calmed down. I cupped her face and gently wiped the trails of tears.

She was looking like a angel, my beautiful angel, with red nose, twinkling eyes staring at me with many emotions, with moonlight falling on her face.

I smiled at her and kissed her forehead "Feeling better"

She nodded her head. Neither she broke the hug nor I. And I liked it this way.

"Now tell me what are you afraid of? What are you confused about?" I asked gently.

"I don't want to be here. I don't to start my morning by seeing there face" she said.

"Don't be so harsh on them sweetheart " I said.

"Why?..... They left me when I needed them. They didn't bother to trust there daughter. I was living a meaningless life for three years. And when they have realised they have some expecting to accept them back. Why should I do that? What about the pain I went through for three years. What about those fucking bhai duj when I cried day and night. What about my sleepless night?  What about my pain? It isn't easy to forgive them and forget. " She said with tears slipping from her eyes.

Her ever word brought pain in my heart. No one can imagine what she's going through.

My heart cried seeing her cry. I blinked back my tears and kissed her forehead.

"You are very brave Anya and you don't need to be so hard on yourself sweetheart. Take one step at one time. I know you went through alot. I can't even imagine your pain. But you need to let go off it to be happy. And I want you to be happy. Forgiving them or not, it's your decision and I'll support you with whatever you decide. I'm always here for you, remember that" I said.

We stayed like that in same position. After sometime Anya broke the hug and we both got up.

I can see so many emotions in her eyes. I know she was feeling much better now.

She came towards me, placed her one hand on my cheek making me shocked.

She kissed my other cheek so softly "Thank you Abhi "

She left me standing there after giving her beautiful smile to me.

I touched my cheek where she kissed me.

Damn... I love this woman.

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