Chapter - 48

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Abhimanyu's POV

It was the best night that I spent with Anya.

She's angel... My angel.

I'm so whipped.

Today is Ri's engagement, I need to go and see the arrangement and meet my lady love.

My trance was broken by the knock at my room.

"come in"

I was surprised to see Rakesh uncle.

"Please sit uncle. What's it that you had to come, you could have called me uncle" I asked him.

I can see the nervousness and hesitation in him.

"What happened uncle?" I asked concerned as I noticed his eyes brimming with tears.

"Thank you beta. I don't know how to thank you " he said.

I understood in what reference he's saying.

I placed my hand on his, assuring him "there is no need for it Rakesh uncle"

"I can't find someone better than you for my daughter" he said.

"I promised you that I would bring your daughter's smile back. I'm just fulfilling my promis" I said.

"I love her uncle, for me she's my everything. I want to see her always smiling and I can do anything for it" I added.

Rakesh uncle blessed me. After some more chit chatting we went down to see arrangement.

Everyone is busy and here I am doing nothing.

I started helping them. I don't know if my assumption is right but I feel as Anya is ignoring me.

I'm trying to talk to her but she's making excuses and running away.

Yesterday we were happy, she was happy... Than what happened suddenly.

I'm getting frustrated by her behaviour.

If something happened why isn't she directly talking to me.

After the work was done, we got ready.

Engagement was grand.

Vijay uncle and Vivek uncle have invited their college friends which was a surprise for them.

Throughout the engagement Anya ignored me. She was smiling but didn't looked happy as if something is disturbing her.

I have given her time, now I'll directly go and talk to her tomorrow, with these thoughts I went to sleep.

I stopped my alarm.

It's time to wake up but I'm so tired that I don't wanna leave the bed.

I turned to see the time. Shit.. I'm late.

I quickly showered and changed.

Everyone might have started the breakfast.

I hurried downstairs to see everyone was already settled but why is everyone silent.

"Good morning"

No one said anything while everyone looked gloomy.

I didn't find Anya on the table, where is she? Might be sleeping?

"Where's Anya? " I asked Ri and Aru.

In reply they handed me a note.

What's this?

I looked to see what was written.

I'm sorry guys, I'm going suddenly without informing you. Yesterday everyone was busy in engagement so I couldn't tell and my flight was at late night, when all were sleeping. Don't worry about me I'll be back in four days.
                                               - Anya

Is this some joke. "What the hell is this?"

"She went without informing anyone" Aru said.

How can she? What's going in her head?

"I called Mia, her PA. She told Anya went to New York for conference" Ri informed.

Conference... New York....

She didn't even bothered to tell me.

I went hospital. I'm not in a mood to eat or talk with someone.

I immersed myself in my work.

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