Chapter - 58

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Anya's POV

It's like my dream coming true.

My friends, my family, favourite uncle and aunties, Abhi ....all together and happy.

It was Nishant who was having the most fun while irritating Abhi.

"Ahhh.... " we heard the loud shriek.

It's Nishant and Abhi... Fallen down on someone.

I ran towards them.

"Anya... Anya... "

It's Mia. I helped Nishant and Abhi to stand and than helped Mia to stand up.

She hugged me tight. "Thank god you saved me from elephants"

Elephants... I laughed hearing her.


"What's going on? "

"Damn... So many people "

"Guys shut up"

It were the interns.

They all were staring at each other. I introduced them.

"Guys she's Mia, my PA and my friend"

"Hi Mia" Aru came and hugged her.

"Woah babes... It's so long I'm seeing you" Mia said.

"and these four here are the interns working under me.... Eric, Hazel, Aiden and Emily " I said.

"And guys this is my family" I added.

Everyone exchanged pleasantries.

"Guys I have a news for you people" Aru said to them.

"What's it?" they asked excitedly.

"Your friend and your ma'am is getting married " she announced.


"Whose the lucky person?"

"I'm the lucky person" Abhi said while side hugging me.

"Aww.. "

"Guys meet my fiance, Dr. Abhimanyu Mehra, cardiologist, famous for the number of critical surgeries he performed successfully, the one and only" I smirked at them knowing there reaction.

"Shit " they stared him with open mouth.

"Sir I have heard so much about you"

"We never thought that Anya ma'am would be marrying you the great Dr. Mehra"

"Sir can I have a selfie with you"

I laughed at there reaction. Abbi looked shocked seeing his popularity.

"Guys you are scaring him"


Mia, Hazel, Emily hugged me and congratulated me.

And when Eric and Aiden hugged me, I was pulled away from them by my possessive fiance.

We all chatted and had fun.

It was like Nishant, Eric and Aiden had teamed up to make Abhi jealous.

Three of them were roaming around me just to irritate Abhi.

"OK guys it's enough, Now stop irritating my fiance" I said to them stepping infront of Abhi.

"Ok" they said and left from there.

Instead I was pulled back, okay to land in Abhi's lap.

He hold my waist tightly and nuzzled his head in my neck.

"Thank you for saving me from those devils" he said while peppering sweet kisses.

"I too can be a possessive fiance " I pecked his lips, leaving him surprised and running from there.

I sat beside Raj uncle. Everyone was deciding about the wedding.

I saw Abhi looking at me and indicating something, which I didn't understood.

What... I mouthed him.

He pointed his finger at me than at my room.

I stood up from my place and sneaked from there without anyone noticing me.

As soon as I opened the door of my room, I was pulled in and door closed.

There is no surprise to know whose this.

I hugged him. "I love you baby "

"I love you too Abhi "

He kissed my kiss with all the passion and desire.

I responded back with same intensity.

We both landed on bed while kissing each other.

He was all over me. With his hands tracing the curves of my body.

I moved my hand from his hair to his chest.

He trailed his tongue from my jaw to my neck making me moan.


He claimed my lips back.

We parted away to breathe and hugged each other.

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