Chapter - 45

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Anya's POV

I haven't been so happy since the time I came here.

I looked at the reason behind my smile.

I don't know what he finds so special in me that he's doing so much just to see me smile.

I'm very bad at expressing my feelings, emotions out loud.

And the way he makes me feel, I have never felt it.

I'm scared of my growing feelings. I want to stop it but I want to be with him like this.

I want to do something for him. He's pampering me a lot.

To express what I feel for him, I don't know what to say or what to do?

Finally the car stopped at isolated place.

"Where are we Abhi?" I asked concerned.

He open the door fit me "Come"

I went with him and was mesmerized to see the view from Cliff.

"Wow" it's the only word to describe the beautiful view upfront of me.

"It's my favorite place" I looked to see him facing the view with a smile.

"it's beautiful " I said.

"it indeed is" he said looking at me.

The wind blowing felt so serene and peaceful.

I turned towards Abhi as he took my hand in his.

"Thank you... Thank you Anya, for giving me a chance, for letting me in. I promise you won't regret your decision " he kissed my forehead lovingly.

I looked at him in awe. I'm overwhelmed with what he said so the best thing I did, I hugged him tight trying to make him understand my emotions.

He hugged me tightly and placed his chin on my head.

"Thank you Abhi, for making me smile and I'm glad that you are the reason behind it" I whispered  near his ear and kissed his neck.

He took a sharp breathe with my touch making me smile.

He parted from the hug and claimed my lips.

Everytime the kiss was more sensuous and passionate.

I can feel the spark with his each touch. The butterflies in my stomach.

After parting from the kiss we stared lovingly at each other.

"Come let's go" Abhi said.

"No, I don't wanna go. It's so beautiful here" I whined making him chuckle.

"We can always came here sweetheart" He said making me blush at his endearment.

He school his head in amusement.

We went back. The ride was silent, with only him holding my hand.

As the car stopped I looked infront to see we have reached.

I turned towards Abhi to see him already looking at me.

"Thank you Abhi... I enjoyed the date" I said blushing.

Abhi caressed my face "Thanks to you... I enjoyed it as well" he came forward and pecked my head.

"Good night" I kissed his cheeks and went from the car to my room.

I placed my hand on my heart, to calm it down.

God... this guy is making me fall for him harder.. and I'm scared to fall.

I opened the door to see my room is already occupied my best friend.

"Tell me what happened? Where did you guys went? What did you did? Did you guys kissed? Did something more happened? " Aru fired her questions as soon as I entered the room.

"Stop Aru... So eager to know everything " I raised my eyes playfully at her.

"Yes miss..  And I need all details" she ordered.

"Let me change and come" I went in bathroom and changed in my night wear.

I jumped on the bed beside Aru and told her each and everything except my fear of falling for him.

We gossiped and drifted in sleep.

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