Chapter - 52

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Anya's POV

Ahh.. My head.

It's spinning. Why I have to drink so much when I can't handle.

My headache is getting worst.

I saw glass of water and Advil at side table. It might be Aru.

I took the pill and went to shower.

As the water hit my bare shoulders I recalled yesterday's event.

My tears got mixed with the water.

I shook my head to avoid thinking about it. I got ready and put a smile on my face to face everyone.

I moved downstairs and took my seat on dining table.

"Good morning " everyone was silent and looking at me.

I ignored all eyes and started having my breakfast.

"Ri.. Aru.. " I called them.

"Yes Anya "

I took a deep breath "You both asked me to come back and visit you guys"

"Yes" they looked alarmed as they knew where this conversation is going towards.

"I came here for both of you. Now it's time for me to go back to London. I have lot of pending work over there" I said.

"No... "

"No Anya di"

"Beta stay here"

"I have to go. It's important" I said firmly ignoring there pleas.

"Anya, mine and Ri's wedding is planned after five days. So please stay till my wedding" Aru said with hope.

"OK I'll stay till your wedding. But after that you won't stop me" I asked her.

"Yes" Ri said.

I nodded "Excuse me" I went back to my room.

"Anya" I can hear Abhi calling me.

I ignored him.

"Don't ignore me Anya. Please let me explain. You misunderstood everything" he said while knocking the door.

I don't want him to hear. I called Ri and asked him to take Abhi away from here.

My whole day went in my room.

The days passed soon. I avoided my family, Abhi.

I don't want to talk to him. I'm trying hard to control my heart because I can't stop it from loving him.

I was mostly busy in wedding preparations. I tried to be happy for Ri and Aru. It's there day after all.

Finally my best friends are married.

The next day we all settled on dining table along with newly weds.

"Ri.. Aru... Your gift" I said giving them an envelope.

Aru looked excited and open it. "You didn't have to"

"That's the least I could do for you" I said.

"thank you for 20 days honeymoon package in Mauritius " she jumped in excitement.

"When is your flight?" Ri asked and suddenly the environment got tensed.

"In four hours" I said silently.

"Anya please give me a chance" Abhi tried again to talk to me.

"I'll go and check my last minute packing" I excused and went to my room ignoring Abhi.

No... You won't cry Anya. Make yourself strong. You won't she'd a tear.

I completed my packing and changed my clothes.

I went downstairs with bags to see everyone waiting with tears.

I hugged Riya, Ruhi, Nishant, Samar and asked them to be in contact always.

I hugged Swati aunty, Maya aunty and Nandini aunty. I thanked them for all motherly love they gave me.

I hugged Vivek uncle, Vijay uncle and Raj uncle.

I'm gonna miss all of them.

At last I bidded my byes to Ri and Aru.

I ignored Abhi and my family.

I went and sat in my car. "Ramesh uncle please take to airport "

As the car started and left the premises of mansion, I let my tears flow.

Everything is over. I'm going to my safe heaven.

Once again leaving everything behind.

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