Chapter - 41

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Anya's POV

The turn of events that took place, I'm still shocked.

Abhi likes me. I can't believe it.

I can see the efforts he's making and he deserves a chance.

The feeling of his arms around me is something that I love.

I blushed thinking about my first kiss.

I came out of my thoughts on hearing knock on my door.

Who would it be at this time?

I opened to get engulfed in a hug. I knew who it is.

I hugged him back. "Abhi what are you doing here at this time? "

He closed the door and came inside.

He checked me out staring intently at me. I was wearing shorts and loose T-shirt.

"You are looking hot" he said while coming towards me.

I blushed and ignored his stare "Why are you here Mr. "

I moved to my bed and was making my bed to sleep.

When he came and hugged me from behind. "I was missing my gf" he put his head in the crook of my neck and kissed me there making me loose my senses.

I turned around him and hugged him "Your gf?  But where is she?"

"the place where she should be" he said.

"Where? " I asked.

"In my arms" he kissed my forehead. He's making me fall for him.

We both and sat on the bed with him hugging me from behind.

I had my laptop opened. Abhi was busy looking around my room while I was busy checking my mails"

"Your room is beautiful " he observed my room.

"Yup, that it is. I designed it myself" I said.

Suddenly I felt Abhi froze while hugging me from behind.

"What happened Abhi? " I turned to see him looking at my side table. did I forgot my medicines over here.

I put my laptop aside and waited for him to question me.

He took the bottle in his hand and examined it.

"Anya do you still take these pills? " he asked.

I looked down and said "Sometimes "

He made me look at him "Sweetheart please don't use these anxiety pills again. Whenever you need them always come to me. I'll be there for you"

He kissed my forehead and wiped my tear, only for me to realise that I'm crying.

I hugged him tight "I'll try Abhi. I don't want to take them. Without them I can't sleep. My nightmares don't allow me to sleep. Those memories still haunt me" I shared the part of my life that I never shared with amyone.

He hugged me tight and calmed me down. "I'm here baby. I'll replace those memories with beautiful memories. I take your pain away and will fill your life with love"

I'm lucky to have him by my side. I'm happy to have a person like him who loves me with all his heart.

I can see his love, his honesty, his emotions in his eyes.

I can read his eyes the way he can.

Abhi made us lay on the bed and covered us with bedsheet.

"Today my gf will have the best sleep with her bf beside her" Abhi said lightening the mood.

I laughed at him. I snuggled more into him and hugged him tight.

He kissed me on lips and than my forehead.

"Good night sweet heart "

"good night "

"Abhi" I called him.

"hmm.. "

"I like you" I said.

He hugged me tight "I like you too baby"

He said making me smile. And soon darkness consumed me.

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