Chapter - 63

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Anya's POV

Yesterday was heaven. It felt as our bond grew more strong.

The feelings, emotions, everything felt so raw.

Still everytime Abhi's touch made me shiver.

After a steaming bath together, we got out and changed.

Abhi is still not ready to leave my side.

I didn't thought him to be so vocal about his feelings.

He took my hands in his and we went downstairs.

"Love birds are here"

"Someone is glowing today"

"Birthday boy and the party organiser, both left the party in middle"

Everyone started with there teasing making me blush white Abhi grinned at them.

We both sat down with others.

"Am I gonna be grandfather?" dad asked.

"Soon" Abhi said while winking.

Others laughed at my blushing face.

"Has everyone packed there stuff?" Papa asked.

Everyone nodded. Today we are leaving for India.

As the wedding functions are gonna start in three - four days.

Mia, Emily, Hazel, Aiden, Eric will also be joining us.

After I came in my room to check my stuff one more time.

I jumped in surprise as a pair of hands snaked around my waist.

"Abhi now is not the time for this" I said while leaning more into him.

"I can't wait to have you all for myself. I can't wait to see you as my bride" he said dreamily.

"I can't wait to be your bride" I said while kissing his cheeks.

"Are you done with the packing, we need to leave" he asked.

"Yes" I said while putting my bags down.

He took my bags from me. "Let me hold one" I said.

"No, until I'm here you don't need to hold this" he said with all honesty.

"How do you make me fall for you all over again? " I said.

He looked surprised "Do I?"


"Than it better be that way because I'm also falling for you all over again everytime" he said pecking my lips.

After lot of argument I took one bag from him.

We reached down to see everyone already there with there luggage.

We all were ready to leave. Soon we boarded the flight and got settled.

I was sitting towards the window and Nishant was beside me.

Abhi's seat was at back with Ruhi. Everyone was laughing looking at his face.

And Nishant, he was using this opportunity completely to irritate him.

"Bhabhi I'm feeling sleepy. Please ruffle my hairs" he said loud enough for Abhi to hear making a puppy face.

"Sure Nishu" I too joined Nishant.

He kept his head on my shoulder and I ruffled his hairs "wow bhabhi you have magic in your hands"

This guy is gonna get bad from his brother.

I chuckled at him. Within a minute Nishant was pulled away from me.

"You Mr. Move away from this seat if you don't want to get your ass kicked" Abhi glared at him.

"But bhai this is my seat beside bhabhi" he said innocently.

"Your bhabhi is my wife, so this seat belongs to me" Abhi smirked.

"Gentlemen could you please settle on your seats" air hostess interrupted them.

"Sure" saying so Abhi sat down beside me while Nishant pouted and moved to Abhi's place making us laugh.

"It's mine place to sleep" Abhi said while placing his head on my shoulder.

"You are such a baby" I said and kept massaging his hairs.

"Your baby" he said.

"And I love this baby" I placed a kiss on his forehead and smiled seeing him sleeping.

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