Ruwei's P.O.V.
After about two more hours of sitting in the waiting room, Dingding's doctor finally approached me. I stood up carefully with a sleeping Kevin in my arms. "Doctor, how is she?" I asked in a worried tone. I'm hoping for the best but expecting the worst.
He smiled at me, which is definitely a good sign. "Ruwei, your wife is alive. Not only is she alive, but all of the poison that is in her body has also bled out." Doctor Lin said as I looked at her confused. "I don't understand?" At least Dingding is alive and well.
"Dingding stabbed herself in the stomach. Coincidentally, the center of the poison is located in a spot in her stomach, and she just happened to stab that portion of the stomach. The blood that bled out of her during the impact was all poison. There's still a little poison in her body, but a good 90% of it is gone, so the rest will be easily treated with antibiotics. She will make a full recovery since the stab wound was not lethal."
Tears flood my eyes as I gave Kevin a little shake, causing him to wake up. "Kevin, did you hear that? Mommy's going to be okay." I said as tears fell down my cheeks. "Thank you so, so much, Doctor Lin," I said. She gave me a warm smile, "You're very welcome, she is awake if you would like to see her."
I took a deep breath as I entered the room. The moment I saw Dingding, I set Kevin down gently and ran to her. I threw my arms around her as I held onto her tightly. I began crying into her pillow as I continued holding my wife. I can't believe I lost her.
Dingding's P.O.V.
I never thought I would see my two boys again. I never thought I would be in my husband's arms again, but I guess miracles really do happen. Not only did I survive, but I also got rid of all the poison in my body. Tears flooded my eyes as I sank into Ruwei's embrace.
I did my best to comfort him as he cried, but he's been through too much. I held open my other arm as Kevin climbed onto my bed and rolled into my arms. He began rolling into me, trying to get as close as possible to me. I kept an arm around each of them as I gave them as many kisses as I could.
After a little while, Kevin fell asleep in my arm, his head resting on my chest. Now it was my turn to break down. How could I ever leave my little boy? His little mouth was open and tears stained his cheeks as his chest heaved up and down.
I turned to Ruwei and pressed my forehead against his. "Ding, how could you leave us?" He whispered as he caressed my cheek. I shook my head as I began crying, "Ruwei, I thought I'd never see you again." I sobbed as he took me into his arms.
"Ding, I thought you...Kevin was crying so hard for you, when I played your songs, hearing your beautiful voice..." He broke down again. "I'm so sorry, but I couldn't let you die for me." I whispered as he cupped my face, "You've sacrificed too much for us."
"It's okay, Ruwei, everything is okay now. Doctor Lin said I'm going to make a full recovery, everything is going back to normal." I smiled as he nodded and peppered my face with kisses. "I'm never letting you out of my sight again." He said as he hungrily captured my lips again.
One week later...
"Honey, be careful. The doctor said you're gonna need some time to recover, it's only been a week and you're already out and about moving." Ruwei said as he grabbed onto my waist and pushed me back onto the bed. "Ruwei, I'm fine, the wound isn't even that bad, plus, I'm going to die of boredom if I continue laying on this bed," I said.
"I'd rather you be bored and healthy than not bored and in danger, so stay in bed. I'll take care of everything else." He said as he picked Kevin up and placed him next to me. Kevin looked at me and smiled big.
"Well, I guess having Kevin keep me company isn't too bad." I cooed as he crawled into my lap. "Mommy, huggie!!" He yelled as he threw his arms around me and knocked me back into my pillow. I let out a little laugh as I wrapped my arms around him.
He grabbed onto a portion of my hair and stuck it into his mouth. "Sweetheart, what did mommy tell you about eating my hair?" I said as I pulled the strand out. He looked at me, pouted his lips, then grabbed another strand and made eye contact with me as he put it in his mouth.
I sighed as I ticked him, causing him to spit it out. "Everyone thinks I really like clean hair, but they don't know that the real reason why I have to wash my hair every day is that my son keeps trying to eat it!" I laughed. "Mama, when you perform again, can I go on stage with you?" He asked as he laid his head against my breasts.
"Kevin, it's going to be very loud. I know you like loud places about when you get a bit older?" He nodded and patted my chest, "Sweetie, you're already almost three years old, you stopped drinking breastmilk a very, very long time ago." I said.
He ignored me and began trying to reach his hand down my shirt. When that didn't work, he went the other side and lifted up my shirt before crawling underneath it. I was going to stop him, but I saw Ruwei come into the room. He looked utterly confused.
I just smiled as I continued watching Kevin rummage around underneath my shirt. "Having fun there?" I asked as I felt him on my breast. Just as he was about to try having his meal, I pulled up my shirt and detached him from my body.
"Mommy!!!" He yelled as I handed him to Ruwei and pulled my shirt back down. "I know you still miss mommy's breastmilk, but you're already too big," I said as he pouted angrily before turning his head away from me. I just rolled my eyes. "You really are growing up to be just like your cousin."
"We all love mommy, don't we?" Ruwei laughed as he set Kevin back down next to me. He pouted at me for a couple of seconds before rolling back into my embrace. "Oh, sweetheart." I cooed as I wrapped both my arms around him. "Mama..." He said as he patted my stomach.
"It's okay, it doesn't hurt anymore," I said as I gave him a kiss. "In fact, it actually stopped hurting a very long time ago." I smiled at him for another little while before I told Ruwei to let him run free around the house. Ruwei sat down beside me.
"Ding, are you sure you're not in any more pain?" He asked as he pressed his hand against my stomach gently. I smiled as I cupped his cheek, "Trust me, the pain really did stop a long time ago." He nodded and began drawing circles on my stomach.
"Ding, promise me, never leave me again." He whispered. I scooted forward and wrapped my arms around him, "I promise." I said as I pressed my lips against his. We continued passionately kissing. I felt his hands begin to run up and down my body.
Slowly, he lowered me onto the bed as he hovered over me, continuing to kiss me. "I love you so much, honey." He said once we parted. "I love you too, I will always love you," I said as he gave me another kiss. We were about to continue kissing when we heard a small laugh.
Ruwei got off of me and helped me sit up as I saw Kevin standing in the threshold, laughing. "Oh, mommy and daddy..." He laughed as he ran over to us. Ruwei picked him up in a swift motion. Kevin grabbed onto a strand of my hair as he let out another giggle.
"You love mommy's hair, don't you. You can never seem to break this habit of either holding my hair or eating it." I joked as Kevin began jumping up and down on the bed. Ruwei and I smiled proudly as we watched our son. Little moments like these really can repair all the damage that's happened before.

My Fated Companion
RomanceBusy Chinese singer, Sa Dingding, and her celebrity husband, Ruwei, navigate through their life of fame and their secret marriage. They married each other five years ago through a secret contract marriage to benefit from each other as they rose to f...