Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Derrick’s POV

I made my way in the apartment after finishing work, and all I wanted to do was eat then sleep.

I put my lunch box on the kitchen counter like every other day. 

I saw Angela sitting at the kitchen table looking like she was lost in her thoughts.  I walked slowly towards her and sat in front of her at the table.

‘Hey.’ I said to her but she didn’t move.

Slowly her eyes found their way to up to mine.

‘Hey.’ I said again.

She took a deep breath, ‘Hi…how was your day?’ she asked.

I looked at her again but paid more attention to her face.

‘I think better than your.  You okay?  Where’s Amanda?’ I asked looking around.

‘She playing with her toys in the play room.’ She said with a small smile.

‘How was your day?’ I asked her.

‘Long…The morning was good…we went for a walk.’ She said smiling.

‘Really!?  That’s great.  Did she have a hard time?  Did you?’ I asked, feeling so many emotions, curious, happy, worried, proud…

She smiled her big small, ‘She was a little slow on the leaving but once walking, I let her choose which way.  Our deal was 10 minutes…she passed it…maybe got to 13 minutes and she called it a day.’ She said laughing a bit.

‘Wow.  That’s big, big step.  How was it for you?’ I asked.

‘It was great… It’s a start, now we just keep going.  I’ll keep making us go out side everyday.  Walks or at least sit out while we still can.  Hoping one day we’ll get to go inside a store or something.  Thinking of a grocery store, maybe buy an apple or something small for her to eat.  Sort of like a price at the end, what do you think?’ she asked.

‘You know her more, but I think it’s a great idea.  An incentive at the end would probably get her more into the activity.  She’d like it more instead of having a slow start every day.’ I said being honest.

‘Yeah.  I know we’re far from being able to go inside a store even close to one.  We got to the side walk and I asked her to choose left or right.  One side we had a older man and woman and the other it was empty, she choose empty.  I know it’s all about patient and to keep it her speed so…as long as she’s moving, it can be as slow as she wants.’ Angela said.

‘You’re a great mom.’ I told her.

She laughed, ‘Yeah, I’m a great mom.’ She said with her tone being sarcastic getting up from the table.

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