Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Derrick's POV

I was in the kitchen grabbing a cup of coffee.  I couldn't stop smiling.  I remembered every single detail about last night. 
Angela had told me she loved me.  I felt like a million bucks.  I had wanted to hear those three little words since we had hung up the phone the night before the wedding more than 5 years ago.
I heard a door open and little foot steps running.  I knew it was Amanda since our bedroom door was open.  When I woke up, I wanted to stay in bed and just look at Angela and hold her.  I decided to get the coffee ready since I knew both of us would need it.
After our night and falling asleep not long ago, it would be a long day but I couldn't wait.  I was excited for Angela to wake up.
I heard the toilet flush and then the water running.  When I heard the bathroom door open Amanda little foot steps running towards the kitchen made me smile.
When she saw me she stopped, like she was shocked it was me and not her mom.
'Hey you.  How did you sleep?' I asked, curious of how it went.
Her eyes went big and I got a little nervous until she whispered loudly, 'I did it!' and had a big smile on her face.
'Yeah, you did.  Did you sleep well?' I asked her and she nodded her head really fast.
It made me so happy to hear that.  I was hoping that meant that tonight Angela and Amanda wouldn't have a night like last night.  That Amanda would have more confidence in herself.  I knew the routine of the two stories and the song wouldn't change, which made me happy, but I didn't like seeing my daughter be so scared and nervous about going to sleep and the look in Angela's eyes when coming out of the room.  I knew it was hard for her, I could almost see her heart breaking.
'I'm so happy to hear that honey.  Are you thirsty?' I asked her.
'Yes please.' She said with big eyes.
I grabbed the milk and fixed her cup then gave it to her.
'I have an idea but only if you want.' I told her and I got her attention and curiosity but the look in her eyes.  She was so much like Angela it made me laugh.
I knew I should let Angela sleep but I knew she'd like it.
'Why don’t we go see your mom and you can wake her up?  I know she'd love to hear how you slept.' I asked her smiling and her eyes went big again with a huge smile.
'Yeah! Yeah!' She said, jumping up and down, making me laugh.
'Give me a few seconds, I'll fix her a cup of coffee and then we'll go.' I told her and she made a face when I said coffee which made me smile.  Angela had told me about Amanda trying her coffee and my little girl thought it was nasty.
I fix Angela her coffee and then we walked to the bedroom.
Amanda pushed the door open, since I had closed the door a little more so I wouldn't wake her up but I hadn't closed it completely that way if Amanda had looked, she would have seen her mom.
When I looked at Angela, she was really passed out.  Her hair a mess and taking almost all the room in the bed.
She still had the best sex hair I'd ever seen, and that made me smile.
Amanda looked at me and I just nodded but she didn't move.  Her little eyes still on me,
'You can go wake her up.' I whispered.
She looked at her mom, I could tell she was thinking about how to wake her up.
'You can go jump on the bed but make sure it on the other side, where the wall is that way you won't fall off.' I told her.
She gave me a big smile, put her sippy cup on the floor and made her way on the bed.
After she stepped over her mom's legs and touched the wall she looked at me again and I just nodded.
'Wake up mommy!  Wake up!' She yelled jumping on the bed.
I heard Angela make a sound but seconds later sat up quickly looking around.  When she saw Amanda and her big smile while she was still jumping a big smile came across her face.
'Hi baby!' She said smiling but was obviously still tired.
Amanda stopped jumping and went closer to Angela and sat down on her legs.
'I did it mommy!' She said, Angela looked at me and I just smiled.
'You did!?' Angela said, sounding a bit confused to what our girl was referring too.
'Yeah, I slept all by myself!' Amanda said all proud of herself.
‘Did you sleep well?' Angela asked and Amanda nodded with a big smile.
Angela grabbed her, bringing her closer to her and hugged her.
'I'm so…so glad baby.  You have no idea how happy that make me to hear you say that.  I'm proud of you baby, you did it.' She said and I could tell she was trying to keep her composure.  I knew she had been girls were so close, I loved them both with my whole heart but they had the bond.  I knew Amanda loved me but, her mom was her life line.  I was happy they had a close relationship.
'I love you mommy.' Amanda said hugging her mother back.
'I love you too.' She said and gave Amanda a kiss on her head.
Amanda wiggled her way out of her mom's hug and got off the bed.
'Can I watch my cartoons?' She asked looking at both of us.
I looked at Angela, 'Yes baby, you can.  We'll be there in a little bit.' She said.
Amanda grabbed her sippy cup off the floor and ran to the living room.
I sat on the side of the bed and gave Angela her coffee I had prepared for her.
'Oh wow.  Thank you.' She said smiling when she saw the coffee.
'You're welcome.' I said.
Before even taking a sip, she grabbed my shirt I had slept in bringing me closer to her.
She gently put her lips on mine.  I kissed her right back.  Our lips moving together.  I knew I had to keep control of myself with Amanda a few feet away so I didn't take the next step.
When she broke the kiss and looked into my eyes we both smiled at each other.
'Morning.' She whispered.
'Great morning.' I whispered back.
'How are you?  Are you okay?' I asked nervously while she let go my shirt.
'I'm great, yes I'm okay and if I wasn't I wouldn't have kissed you seconds ago.' She said still smiling.
I relaxed, 'I was just nervous.' I confessed.
'Don't be.  I'll say again though, we said it a lot yesterday but if you need to hear it again, I love you.' She said making me completely relax and made me smile.
'I did need to hear it.  I love you too.' I told her and she smiled.
'Great to hear.' She said.
'I'll tell you a little secret,' I said to her and I got her curiosity, 'I love your hair.  You should have hair like that every morning.' I whispered to her.
She put her free hand on her head and her eyes went big.
'It looks like the mane of a lion.' I said smirking at her.
'Screw you.' She said still touching her hair.
'No mon amour, I think it was the other way around, by your hair and the sounds you were making last night and early this morning, I think I did a good job.' I said chuckling.
Her mouth open and I laughed.  I knew she hadn't expected me to say that.
When she composed herself, she hit my arm like I was expecting and we laughed.
I kissed her again and she said, 'I still love you and this will boost your ego...yeah last night was amazing.'
'I agree.  You and me, I don't think nothing will ever beat that feeling.' I said and she smiled.
'I forgot to tell you...last night with Amanda before she slept I bribed her.' She said making a face.
'About?' I asked.
'Well, I told her to try and sleep and we'd do what she wanted today.  She wants to take a ride on the bus.' She said making the same "my bad" face and I laughed.
'Okay...sounds good.' I said.
'You're not angry?' She asked me.  'Of course not.' I said laughing.
'Okay.  I understand why she likes the bus's weird, usually people have the opposite reaction to the bus.' She said and I nodded, agreeing with her.
'Once the magic of the bus ends, she'll find something else she likes.' I said.
'You look tired.' She told me.
'Thanks.' I said, chuckling.
'Are you okay?' She asked me.
'I couldn't be better.' I said, being honest and she smiled.
She grabbed my shirt again and pulled me closer to kiss me.
'God I'm so in love with you.' I said while her lips were still on me and I felt her smile.
'Good.' I heard her say and I laughed.
When she pulled back she said, 'I don't think I ever stopped loving you.  I did hate you but I think…the love went in the background after awhile.  Making me focus on me…and when Amanda came, it was on her, but I don't think I ever stopped loving you.'
'I think it's a bit of the same for me.  I tried to forget but you never left my thoughts.  I think now...I know my love for you is back but it's stronger than before.  I'm never taking a moment with you and Amanda for granted.'
She smiled and kissed me again.
'As much as I'd love to stay here, in this room with you, alone...we need to leave this room.' I told her and she laughed against my lips.
She kept her lips on mine, kissing slowly and she let a little moan escape her lips and I pulled back fast.
She gave me the "what the heck" look.
'No.' I said pointing my index finger at her.  The effect she always had on me was great, when we were alone.  When we weren't they were a curse.
She looked down my body and smiled.
'I'm glad you're happy to see me.' She said, giving me her innocent smile.
'I'm always happy to see you, too happy.' I said and she laughed.
'Okay, let's go.' She said.  I got up the bed and looked at myself.
'I'm going to get dressed and put my jeans on.' I told her and she chuckled.
'As long as you know...that I'll know the truth.' She said giving me a half smile.
'I'm not trying to hide it from you, mon amour.' I said, pecking her lips then trying to rush her to leave the room before changing my mind and locking us in.  I knew if we were quick, Amanda watching cartoons probably wouldn't know but I didn't want to take that chance.
'Okay Okay, I'm leaving.' She said rolling her eyes.  She was good, she knew exactly what she was doing to me.  She made me laugh and at the same time, she frustrated me.
After I got dressed, I went and joined them watching cartoon.  When my girls got hungry, I made breakfast and Angela joined me.  The way she was looking at me, I knew to keep my distance and she'd laugh.  Just her eyes on me were enough to drive me insane. 
When she'd come a little close to me, to help with something, she wouldn't even touch me and I'd move away whispering, ‘No.’ and she'd giggle.
After we ate breakfast we all got ready and went for a bus ride.  Amanda was so excited, I knew it was worth it.  To see that look on her little face and to see a big smile on lips was great, plus it was so simple.  Her face would light up when someone would be nice enough to ask if Amanda would like to ring the bell. 
It was a perfect day, we laughed and smiled a lot.  When the day was finally over, Angela and Amanda did the same thing they did every night.
Before Amanda went to bed she came and gave me a kiss and a hug.  She was leaving and Angela said 'I love you.' Making me smile, Amanda looked at her mom and then at me, 'I love you more daddy.' She said nodding her head making us both laugh.
'I love you too honey.' I said to her. 
'I'll see you in the morning.' She said giving me a smile.
'Sounds great, have great dreams.' I said to her.
She gave me another hug and then they both left.
It took a lot less time then the day before.  Instead of two hours it took less than an hour and Angela was coming back to the living room.
It was still early but we went to our room.  Both of us had other plans than sleeping for the instance and we didn't want to wait anymore.  After the whole day of her looking at me and her little touches was enough to drive me crazy.
The way she'd touch my arm, put her hand on my back or give me a quick kiss.  I needed her now, and I couldn't and didn't want to wait another second.  Amanda was safe and sound asleep, Angela had assured me or else I would have waited.  Amanda was our priority.
I remembered this time to put a condom on.  When I told Angela, I was surprised that it didn't bother her more than that.  I was expecting a fight, her being really angry at me, except all she said, 'We were both in the moment.  Just don't forget tonight.'  And I didn't forget.
When we were ready to actually sleep we got up and put our pj's on.  Angela went right for the bed again making me laugh and I unlocked the door and opened it like the night before.
'I love you.' She said with her eyes closed.
'I love you too.' I said back to her, kissing her lips and pulled away.
I saw her smile and she fell right to sleep.
Holding her in my arms as she slept, was great.  I knew she was dreaming when I'd see her lips move, like she was smiling.
I slowly drifted to sleep with that image engraved in my head.


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