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lexie pov

I sat uncomfortably on the couch as I thought about the comments people were putting on my instagram post of Gus and I.

They know.

I don't know why I thought people wouldn't find out about this. Gus has a fanbase. People were there around us to see what happened. The fact that some people think it is fucking funny makes me sick. All of my old school friends and family probably will or have found out about what happened to me which honestly is pretty embarrassing but also makes me kind of excited to know that they would probably be thinking about me.

Is that a bad thing? Fuck it whatever.

I looked up at Iris and she was looking at me with sadness letting me know that she saw the comments. I ignored her and looked at Gus, wondering if I should delete the post before he sees the comments or just not care if he sees them or not. He'd probably get pissed if he saw them.

Okay. Pros. He looks hot as fuck when he's mad. Cons. It'll ruin his day and he will most likely ruin everybody elses day along with his.

I think i'll delete it.

I quickly went on instagram and deleted the post as he was listening to the song he free styled with Dylan. I guess I will just repost the picture later when all this shit calms down.

I looked up and watched as Gus walked towards me with a big ass smile on his face. His smile was so contagious. I couldn't help but smile even if I didn't want to.

Gus sat next to me and kissed my cheek. "I finished the song for youuuu." He said with a big smile as he wrapped his arms around me. His warmth and touch made me feel a lot better as always.

"Can I hear it?" I asked with a smile, messing up his hair a bit. He quickly nodded and Dylan started to play the song.

"Feels like we're a world away
But we in the same room, be my girl, today at least. She don't even know my name But she look me in the eyes like she know my pain, that's me. And she always let me be myself, she don't ever take bread She don't need no help, that's real. While I'm busy tryna to get my wealth, She ain't worry about a thing except my dick and my health, that's real. She sees the things that you don't see. She breathes the air that you don't breathe. She bleeds the blood that you don't bleed. She looks at me like she loves me. She sees the things that you don't see. She breathes the air that you don't breathe. She bleeds the blood that you don't bleed. She looks at me like she loves me"

It was beautiful. I began to tear up and I looked at Gus. I felt myself blushing deeply as I hugged Gus tightly.

"I love you, Gus." I said with a sniffle. Gus chuckled and kissed my forehead. "Princess are you crying? Don't cry! I love you to much for you to cry." He said, pulling away from the hug with a big smile.

"Gus I love it. That song is beautiful." I said, smiling at him. Gus' smile was so big that it was so fucking adorable. He never fails to make me happy.

"I'm glad you love it like I love you, babygirl." He said, pecking my lips then walking over to Dylan, leaving me a blushing mess.

I looked over at Iris and she was smiling so big. She really is happy for me. It made me realize that I haven't really been there for her when she had relationship issues. My smile sort of faded and I looked at Tracy. They seemed completely awkward sitting next to each other.

Confused, I texted Iris.

me- everything good with you and trace? yall seem awkward

that bitch iris- its a long story..

me- bitch i have time. wanna go talk outside?

that bitch iris- yeah. that seems nice.

"Gus, Iris and I are gonna go talk outside. I'll be back." I said, standing up and walking over to him.

Gus turned around with a smile. "Okay, princess. I'll be here." He said with a chuckle, kissing me softly then turning back to Dylan.

Gus seemed really happy today. It's not a bad thing. It's just really cute.

I looked at Iris and we walked out front together. She sat down on the sidewalk and I sat in front of her.

"What's going on, babes?" I asked. I was worried for her. She seemed really upset since we walked outside.

Iris began to tear up and she was silent for a moment before she started talking.

"Jazz...H-He's been cheating on me, Lexie..." She said. Her voice broke in the middle of her sentence and she began sobbing.

What the actual fuck. What the fuck is wrong with him?? I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna fucking kill him. I have to stay calm...I have to stay calm for Iris.

I scooted closer to Iris and hugged her tightly. "Iris he isn't worth your tears, babe. He doesn't deserve you if he is gonna treat you this way. Iris you're beautiful and if he thinks that someone is better he's fucking blind. You're amazing, Iris." I said, trying not to show my anger.

"T-Thanks Lex...I was just on the couch and I saw his phone light up with a text from this Haley bitch. She was asking for him to stop by at her place again so she could- so she could- get on her knees and suck him like she apparently did last week...I-I confronted Jazz...a-at least he didn't lie to me when I asked him about it." She said, sobbing. I began to tear up and I held her close.

"Iris...he isn't worth it, okay? You're amazing and I love you." I said, trying my best to comfort her. Iris pulled away from the hug and wiped her nose with her arm. She sniffled and looked up at me with her now red and puffy eyes.

"Thank you, Lexie. I love you." She said with a small smile. I nodded and kissed her forehead. "C'mon. Lets go back inside." I said, fixing her mascara and fanning her eyes a bit to make the redness go away.

Iris nodded. "I'm always gonna be here for you if you need me, Iris. We're always gonna be best friends." I said with a smile, helping her up. Iris gave me a small smile then lead me inside.

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