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Lexie pov

I watched Gus' lawyer walk over to me and i felt a bit more calm. I really hope he's good at his job.

"Miss Alexis...during this night of the party Oswald Green touched you in places no girl should be touched without consent, correct?" He asked, sliding his glasses up his nose.

"Yes." I replied.

"Can you please tell us the story of what happened that night in detail?" He asked.

I nodded. "Once Gus, Jazz, Iris and I got to the party, Gus and I went to go get some drinks. I noticed Oswald watching me with a smirk on his face from across the room. As uncomfortable as I felt, I chose to ignore it because I had Gus by my side. Once we got our drinks, Gus and I went to go dance. People recognized Gus and wanted him to sing a few songs. Gus asked me if he could go up there and of course I said yes. I was watching him preform until I felt Oswald wrap his arms tightly around me. He began to touch my breasts and tried to rub me through my underwear. I couldn't breathe. I tried to call for help but the music was to loud. He then began trying to pull me out of the crowd. Thats when I finally screamed loud enough. Gus noticed and got really angry. He jumped off stage and pushed me off of Oswald and began to hit him. I was frozen. I vaguely remember Jazz trying to pull Gus off of him and I remember Iris comforting me. Gus was eventually pulled off of him and Gus came over and hugged me. I didn't want him to let go. He made me feel safe." I said, tears spilling down my cheeks.

"I see...so Gustav hit this man to protect you from almost getting raped, correct?" He asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"Can you confirm that the man sitting at the plaintiffs table is the man who assaulted you?" He asked.

"Y-Yes." I said with a shaky breath.

"No further questions." He said, sitting down next to Gus.

Once I sat down next to Iris, it was Oswalds witness' turn. It was a dark brown haired boy in his early twenties.

He sat up at the witness stand and Oswalds lawyer walked up to him.

"Mr Kesey, were you at the party that night with Oswald?" She asked.

"Yes." He replied.

"Did you see Oswald touch or rape any young girls?" She asked.

"No. I was with him the whole night." He replied.


"Did you see when Gustav attacked Oswald?" She asked.

"Yes. It was so random. It was like he wanted to pick a fight with someone." He replied.

What the fuck? He's lying.

"No further questions." She said.

As Oswalds lawyer sat down, Gus' lawyer got up and walked over to the boy.

"Now, Mr Kesey. You were in fact invited to that party, correct?" He asked.

"Yes." Kesey replied.

"That party was strictly invite only, correct?" He asked.

Kesey looked over at Oswald nervously. "U-Um yes." Kesey said.

"Well I have the guest list right here in my hands and Mr Kesey Jacobs your name is not on this invite list." He said, handing Kesey the list.

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