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Lexie pov

Iris and I woke up early to get ready for Gus' trial. I wore a fitted black dress with some black high platform ankle boots. I did my makeup as usual and straightened my hair.

"You look pretty." Iris said with a smile, finishing up her makeup.

I smiled lightly. "Thank you Iris. You look beautiful." I said, getting up and grabbing my purse.

Iris and I walked out to her car because she promised me that she would drive for once instead of me practically being her uber driver. Honestly I didn't mind driving Iris around. It made me feel like I was actually useful to her instead of being that homeless best friend who had to move in with her.

Once I got in the passengers seat, Iris started the car and drove off to the courthouse downtown. The car ride was silent and it led me to keep thinking about what was gonna happen in court today. Is Gus gonna be rightfully innocent or does this Oswald guy have a really good lawyer?

I'm still mad at Gus for last night. I'm still going to be there for him but I just wish he would have told me. It was a selfish and bitchy thing to do to someone who cares about him. I go through all Iris' pain too and right now I can tell that Iris is trying to hold back tears from thinking about seeing Trace today.

Speaking of Tracy, my phone went off and i saw that it was a text from him.

Trace🚀- Gus and I are walking in. meet us in front of courtroom J.

me- ok we'll be there in 5


Once Iris and I got there, we headed inside to courtroom J to be greeted by Gus and Tracy. Iris looked at Tracy then looked at me uncomfortably. I nodded to her giving her assurance that'd it be okay. She smiled then motioned for me to go talk to Gus.

Fuck no.

I looked over at Gus and he gave me a half smile. I glared at him then looked back at Iris.

"We aren't really on good terms right now." I whispered to Iris with a sigh.

Iris rolled her eyes. "Go talk to your boyfriend before this trial that happened because he was protecting you." She said with a laugh, lightly pushing me towards Gus.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to him, giving him a hug. Gus smiled and wrapped his arms around me tightly. "Hello beautiful." He said, kissing my forehead. I pulled away from the hug and noticed that he was wearing a light blue polo with khakis. His hair was all gelled up and you could see that his face was freshly shaved.

I bit my tongue trying to hold in my laugh and looked up at him. Gus noticed and rolled his eyes. "I know its bad my lawyer made me wear it." He said, making us both burst out into laughter.

"You look like a little church boy." I laughed, making Gus laugh even harder.

Once we calmed down, Gus pulled me into another hug. He held me close, making me smell the cologne he was wearing.

Gus never wears cologne.

Gus usually smells like old spice deodorant. Now he smells like a 30 year old business man.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Gus whispering in my ear. "Are we good now, babygirl?" He asked.

The question sort of angered me. No. We're not good. I'm still mad at him.

I pulled away from the hug and looked at him. "Gustav i'm still mad at you for what you did- or..for what you didn't do. Why didn't you just tell me?" I asked him.

Gus looked at me and sighed. "Baby-" He began, cut off by a man.

"Gustav!" The man said loudly, motioning for Gus to go over to him.

"That's my lawyer...I'll talk to you during recess." He said, giving me a kiss on the cheek and walking away quickly.

I sighed and walked over to Tracy and Iris, saving them from their awkward conversation.


"At this time we would appreciate it if Miss Alexis Cade would come speak as a witness."

I stood up nervously and walked up to the witness stand, looking at Gus. Gus smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up. I smiled a little then looked over to see Oswald. He was pretty beat up.

Scars and scabs covered his face and all I could think about was how he deserved it.

Thats when he looked at me.

I was making eye contact with my assaulter.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Oswalds lawyer walked over to me.

"So..Alexis, you are Gustav's girlfriend, correct?" She asked, looking at me right in the eyes.

I cringed. I hated my real name.

"Something like that, yes. A friends with benefits type thing I guess." I responded, feeling my anxiety rise up through my veins.

"So you guys aren't officially dating, correct?" She asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"You were at the party that night with him. Yes? Who else went to the party with yall?" She asked.

"Um...yes I was there. Gus and I went with Trac- Jazz and Iris." I responded, feeling weirded out by saying Tracys real name.

"Now at this party, you claim you were assaulted by my client Oswald Green. Is this true?" She asked.

"Yes." I responded, flinching at the name.

"Now Gustav...your friend...attacked my client after he supposedly assaulted you, correct?" She asked.

"I- yes.." I said, shaking like crazy.

"Did my client, Oswald ever actually have sex with you?" She asked.

"W-well no...but I-" I said, being cut off.

"So you were never actually raped, correct?" She asked.

"Well- No- but-" I said, being cut off again. I could feel tears starting to slip down my face.

"No further questions." She said, walking over to Oswald and sitting beside him.

I looked over at Gus with tears slowly slipping down my cheeks.

We're already losing.

A/N ive decided to cut the chapters up so you guys can actually get an update lol

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