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lexie pov

"Lexie dear!" My grandma said, hugging me tightly. "You look so beautiful!"

I smiled. "Thank you grandma." I said, grabbing Gus' hand. "This is my boyfriend Gus." I said, making her finally look over towards him.

My grandmas face lit up and her smile was huge. "Well oh my! You're so handsome! I hope you've been good to my Lexie little." My grandma said, hugging Gus.

Gus chuckled and hugged back. "Oh I treat her great I promise. She's my number one priority at all times." Gus said, making me blush. My grandma smiled and pulled away from the hug.

"Well thats good. Y'all two are a cute little couple. Reminds me of me and your grandpa back when we were your age. Now where are those kooks you call parents?" Grandma said, laughing a bit.

"Ummm i'm not sure I haven't seen them." I said, looking around. "Well hopefully they decided not to come. They're such buzzkills. Anyways y'all go have some fun." My Grandma said, kissing my cheek and smiling at Gus then walking off.

"She seems nice." Gus said, turning towards me. I smiled. "Yea she is. She always knows how to make everyone smile." I said, looking over to see my brother Luke running towards me, sweeping me up and hugging me tightly.

"Theres my favorite sibling- don't tell Sarah that." Luke joked, setting me down then hugging me.

"Lukeeeee." I said with a laugh. "You look so different. Like maybe you have grown a smidge since the last time I saw you." Luke joked, nudging my shoulder.

"Shut upppp! Why does everyone bully me for my height?" I said with a laugh. "Because your short. Anyways, where's that boy Duncan told me about?" He said with a smirk.

I blushed and motioned for Gus who I just realized was watching me smiling. He walked over to me and I introduced him. "Luke this is my boyfriend, Gus. Gus, this is my big brother Luke." I said with a smile.

"You know when you tickle her kneecaps she makes a weird noi-" Luke began to say before I slapped my hand over his mouth.

"Shut the fuck up." I said, making both of the boys laugh.

"No let him keep talking." Gus said, laughing. "No. No more talking to Luke." I said with a laugh.

"Whatever loser. I'll tell him all your secrets soon." Luke said with a smirk before walking off.

"What was he gonna say?" Gus laughed. "Nothing. He wasnt gonna say anything." I said, a bit embarrassed. Gus just laughed as I walked with him to go sit down at a table.

After introducing Gus to most of my family, everyone went out to go dance.

"Hey what do you say we step outside for a bit." Gus whispered in my ear. I nodded and we both walked outside together and sat on the ground.

"Guess what I broughttt." Gus said, making me giggle. "What?" I asked, a bit confused.

Gus pulled out a rolled blunt from his back pocket with a lighter. I gasped.

"Light it right fucking now." I said with a giggle, making Gus laugh. "Okay princess." He said, placing the blunt in my mouth then lighting it for me.

I then took a long hit from it then blew it out making a really thick cloud.

"Damn babe you really needed that huh?" Gus joked. I nodded. "Absolutely. I always im in need of weed." I joked, passing the blunt to him.

Gus laughed then took a couple hits from it than passed it back to me. "So how are you liking my family so far?" I asked before taking another hit from the blunt.

"Theyre a lot more accepting than I thought they'd be." He said with a smile. I blew the smoke out and smiled. "They really like you, Gus. I told you they wouldn't hate you." I said, passing the blunt.

Gus chuckled and leaned his head back against the wall. "I'm glad you asked me to come here with you tonight." Gus said, taking a hit.

"I'm glad you came with me too-" I said, before I was cut off by Luke coming outside with my sister Sarah.

"Well, well, well. Smoking weed without me, huh?" Luke said, sitting down with us.

I ignored him and smiled at the sight of Sarah. "Sarah!" I exclaimed, getting up and hugging her tightly. "Lexieee!" Sarah said with a laugh.

I smiled and looked towards Gus. "Gus this is my big sister, Sarah. Sarah this is my boyfriend, Gus." I said, introducing the two.

"Hi Gus." Sarah said with a small wave, sitting down next to Luke. I sat back down next to Gus and he passed me the blunt.

I took a hit from it then passed it to Luke making him chuckle. I rolled my eyes and looked at Sarah. "So where have you been? I haven't seen you all night." I asked.

"I was helping mom and dad clean up the cups they dropped. Mom had another drunk accident." She said, rolling her eyes.

I sighed.

Luke then passed the blunt to Sarah and she took a hit out of it. "Damn. I didn't know you smoked." Luke said to Sarah, a bit shocked.

"I didn't either until now." Sarah said, passing the blunt to Gus.

We all laughed and Gus passed it to me. "Im done." He said. "Me too." I replied, passing it to Luke. He took a hit then shook his head. "Yep im done too." Luke said.

"I bet they're missin us in there on the dance floor. Lets get in there and show them some real moves, Sarah." Luke said, standing up and going in with Sarah.

"And then there were two." Gus said, making me giggle. I stood up and held my hand out for Gus. "C'mon, lets go dance with the fam." I said, helping Gus up.

"Well I don't like the music they're playing in there." Gus said, grabbing my hand and putting an arm around my waist in a slow dance position.

"What're you doing?" I asked with a laugh. "I'm dancing with my beautiful girl." Gus said, pulling me closer to him.

"But I don't know how to dance." I exclaimed a bit nervous. "Well I took dance classes when I was younger. I can teach you." Gus said, slowly moving back and forth with me.

I began to follow his steps and right then and there we started dancing together.

"See you're doing it." Gus said with a smile. I giggled and rest my head on his chest as we danced.

Gus began to hum. It was a tune that became so familiar to me in the past two months of knowing Gus.

It's the beat he hasn't put lyrics on yet. I smiled, knowing that this was gonna be our song.

"Gus." I said, looking up at him.

"Yes princess?" He asked, his eyes meeting mine.

"Kiss me." I said, lost in his beautiful brown eyes.

And thats exactly what he did.

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