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Lexie pov

The next morning was a bit odd. I woke up to an empty bed with no Gus. In fact, I don't even remember getting in bed to go to sleep last night.

I groaned and got up, rubbing my eyes and going to the bathroom to see a note on the counter.

'Went to get some food with Tracy Iris Bexey horsehead and Mak. Be back soon ily:) -Gus'

Damn okay. I looked in the mirror and realized that I had two hickeys visible on my neck.

Oh shit. That's how Skylar knew. Good thing we left without saying goodbye to anyone. That would have been embarrassing as hell.

I shut the door and began taking off my makeup and started the shower. I took out my earrings and hopped into the warm shower, realizing that I started my period.

God fucking damn it.

I quickly washed my hair and shaved before getting out and wrapping a towel around myself. I brushed out my tangly wet hair and washed my face before walking out to see Gus sitting on the bed waiting for me.

"Hey hottie." Gus said, getting up and wrapping his arms around me. He kissed my forehead and smiled as I blushed.

"Hey handsome. Whatcha wanna do today?" I asked, resting my head on his chest as his arms wrapped a bit tighter around me.

"Hm...i'm not sure. You got any ideas babygirl? I'm free all day." Gus asked.

"We can go to the mall maybe? I need some new clothes for instagram." I said, looking up at him.

Gus smirked. "Sure. That way we can take that trip to Spencer's that I mentioned." Gus said, biting his lip.

"Oh shut up, Gus." I said with a laugh, jokingly pushing him away from me and getting some clothes from out of my bag.

Gus laughed as I grabbed a brown rolling stones tshirt out of my bag with some black distressed shorts. I got some black and black vans to go with it.

I quickly put it on then sat beside Gus on the bed who was playing on his phone. "Ready to go?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Yes beautiful." Gus said with a smile, standing up with me on his back. I giggled and rest my head on his shoulder as he walked me out to his car.

"Can we take my car?" I asked, playing with his hair. "Yeah if you want. Where are your keys?" He asked as I handed him my keys from out of my purse. "Thank you, beautiful." He said with a smile, helping me into the passengers side then getting into the drivers side.

As Gus started to drive, I got out the aux cord and looked through my playlist.

"Oo play Incubus." Gus said, making me smile. "Incubus is the shitttt." I said with a laugh, making Gus smile.

I giggled and put on Pardon Me by Incubus making Gus bounce up and down in his seat. "I fuckin love this songggg." Gus said with a laugh, and we sung along together goofily.

"So pardon me while I burst into flames I've had enough of the world and its people's mindless games So pardon me while I burn and rise above the flame Pardon me, pardon me I'll never be the same!" Gus and I screamed, laughing after the chorus ended.

"God damn I love you." Gus said, calming down from laughing.

"I love you too, Gus." I said with a smile.

Once we got to the mall, we got out of the car and walked in hand and hand.

"So where to first?" Gus asked. "Hm..Hot topic? Zumiez? You choose." I said with a giggle.

"Hot topic for sure." Gus said with a chuckle. I smiled and walked with him to hot topic. We walked in and I immediately went over to the tshirts.

"Oo we should get matching lil peep tshirts." I said with a smirk. Gus laughed. "Who's that?" Gus joked, making me smile. "No idea actually bet he's hot." I said with a smirk.

"Nah. I don't think so. I bet he has a really sexy girlfriend though." He said, whispering the last part in my ear while sliding his hand down to my ass.

I bit my lip and turned around. "I'm on my period don't try anything." I said with a smirk.

"That doesn't stop me with you. Fucking a girl on her period is true love." Gus said, kissing my forehead. I giggled and turned back around looking at the tshirts.

"I thought you couldn't get periods when youre on birth control." Gus said, making me giggle.

"You get them sometimes, dummy. Just not as often." I said with a giggle.

A/N might update twice tonight ive been busy so its been hard to update😰😰

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