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Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby - Cigarettes After Sex


It's quiet in this calming atmosphere , nothing but the delicate sounds of insects and a few birds chirping to the night sky. It's not as frightening as Jimin expected from the woods to his surprise, but perhaps he's just on the good side of it.

Or perhaps because he isn't alone to face his fear.


Jimin exhales from the vape pen, letting the smoke ooze past his full swollen lips as he lets out a small hum.

Taemin plops his chin on his chest, his swollen lips moving to a small smile with eyes filled with so much love inside them that Jimin as seen so many times before.

"Je t'aime."

For a moment Jimin remains quiet upon hearing this, averting his eyes from the ceiling of the tent towards his boyfriend and wasn't able to stop himself from caressing his mess of purple long hair away from his face caringly. Taemin closes his eyes and follows the touch like an addictive drug, filling Jimin's heart with that familiar emotion of peace just by staring at him alone.

A lot of peace really, so relaxed really.

"Saranghae," Jimin murmurs, caressing his cheek bone that made Taemin flutter his eyes open, "Je t'aime, I love you, te amo, eu te amo, aishiteru, should I continue?"

A small giggle bubbles out of Taemin and he leans over and presses their lips delicately together, both not being worried of any disturbances now since they're in the comfort of their own tent. They really had to work together earlier while they were doing their own 'physical activities' to keep quiet because they knew for a fact Hoseok would actually barge in without a care, but thankfully they didn't disturb anyone.

Or so they hope they didn't.

Taemin did make sure Jimin was quiet since he gets a little noisy when he bottoms, most of the time.

Gently they pull apart and Jimin was left admiring his boyfriend's face, letting his heart be fueled by flames where it feels like home. It's crazy really, it's been three years and they are still this..... Close in a way? Obviously not like the honey moon phase at the start but this what they have, can't be replaced so easily.

He can still vividly remember the first day he laid eyes on him. It was at the tattoo parlor and Seokjin was just showing him around to his station where he would pierce his clients. At first Jimin was his usual charming self and focused on tattooing this rose on someone's neck, but when he finished and got a good look of this new worker, who had blonde long hair at that time, Jimin felt like he was struck by actual cupid themselves by how taken back he was by just.... Him.

Yeah, corny as it is, it was love at first sight.

What was worse was how within time he began to gradually grow very familiar with Taemin's personality, and he felt himself fall for him slowly within time. They didn't typically get along well to start with, and Jimin blames that on himself because he would pull a Jungkook every single time he was near him; but with a not so nice commentary, at all.

However one day they closed the parlor together, alone, and got into a pretty bad fight.

What was it about again?

Ah who knows. But Taemin was annoyed and left. Jimin was left in the shop alone but then he closed it quickly and chased after him when he was done beating himself up for being so stupid.

He spent maybe an hour looking for him and finally found him walking somewhere deep in the city. To say Taemin was surprised and annoyed would be an understatement, but Jimin kinda went a little too bold and kissed him that night.

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